Thank you.
Again, Chief Toulouse, thank you for coming here today. I appreciate very much your input specifically around ATR and fairness. We all recognize and accept that more work needs to be done in this area, and you and Chief Whiteduck have helped fill out some space. Thank you for that.
I have to say that it's a bit unfortunate that you don't share my view, having shared the stage with me on a number of occasions for critical infrastructure projects in a number of communities in northern Ontario, that there are not robust activities with respect to the province, the federal government, and first nations.
I can only share the sentiments of dozens and dozens of chiefs across northern Ontario, particularly in the great Kenora riding, who are very pleased with the progress we've made in a couple of key areas. I appreciate that you were there to celebrate a number of those, particularly with respect to some of the new schools that have been built in that region. I thank you for that.
I'm just going to finish today by addressing a couple of remarks you made with respect to the Ring of Fire and the Matawa—I think you described it as a “situation” that we would all know.
My understanding might be slightly different, so I want to get a couple of things clarified here.
Chief, have you met with the Cliffs project folks on this matter, yes or no?