Certainly, there is a lack of resources everywhere. There is a lack of resources for investigations. There is a lack of resources to help victims directly. I will talk about Quebec, where a national strategy is needed. I am talking about a strategy for Quebec, like the one that British Columbia established. Indeed, British Columbia has a provincial plan with awareness campaigns. There is an attempt to invest money for shelters.
I think that in Quebec, a national strategy is needed. I know that the current government is holding discussions to establish a national strategy. I hope that that will indeed be the outcome.
In Canada, because we are still talking about Canada, what is needed is a real law on prostitution. The current system is—excuse the term—a bit hypocritical. Indeed, prostitution is declared legal but solicitation is illegal. That does not make any sense, in my opinion. Canada should be one of the most forward looking countries in America. It should imitate Sweden and criminalize the purchase of sexual services and implement a plan, framework legislation, that includes resources and awareness campaigns. Not only should pimps be criminalized, but clients as well.
I think that if we had framework legislation as they do in Sweden or Norway, we would have a strong vision that would be both modern and humane in Canada. I can tell you that I would support it.