Yes. When I was still vice-principal of Queen's University, I was one of the seven members of the study group under General Ramsey Withers on the future of RMC in the late nineties. At that time, we were looking at these ratios, and the research strongly supported the notion that if the percentage of women in such an institution, including the American ones, was under 15%, the peer group wasn't large enough to be adequately supportive. A grey zone was 15% to 20%, and anything over 20% was reasonably safe.
When I arrived at RMC, the percentage of women officer cadets was in the low twenties. None of the American service academies, by the way, have yet to get above 20%. Over the first few years that I was there, it got up to about 29%, but then a strange thing happened. We became much more heavily engaged in Afghanistan, and the biases in the broader society obviously produced a situation in which parents counselled their children differently, and the ratio then fell back to somewhat below 25%.
Amongst the women officer cadets, they certainly garnered a higher than pro rata share of all the awards in all of the pillars of their activity, so I had to think a little bit about why this was so. Of course, research strongly suggested that in that 17-year-old to 24-year-old age group, women are more mature than men, so that was explicable. Also, of course, they were very highly motivated.
However, I became concerned about why the ratio was still so low. Queen's University is in the same city. I had at one point been vice-principal of Queen's University, so I thought I'd look at it a little more closely.
I realized that the disciplines in which there are degree programs at RMC didn't cover all of the disciplines at a typical civilian, large university like Queen's. I mapped what we had in terms of numbers onto the same disciplines at Queen's, and I found that using those disciplines and degree programs weighted, we would only have predicted 34% women, because there's still a broad societal bias, which I don't fully understand, about what women ought to do. I took that difference between 34%, and whether it was 28% or 29% or lower twenties, as being essentially, in a way, the military penalty. It did teach me that the appropriate comparison was not those rather too-low ratios and 50% or 52%, or whatever the civilian universities are experiencing, but given that group of disciplines, it was between somewhere in the twenties and the 34%.