Merci, monsieur le président.
Yes, I am able to confirm that the controls were strengthened in the Department of Justice, because the Department of Justice was able to successfully sustain a controls-based audit. Beyond that, no, I'm not in a position to comment on the strengthening of internal controls in government, because we have done limited work in that area.
Just to be clear, Mr. Chair, the Office of the Auditor General has no shortage of things to audit. There's a big government, and we can audit, we can conduct more performance audits. There's an awful lot of work we can do in auditing in the government.
What we had pointed out initially, on May 11, when we appeared here, before the DPR, was that in response to a change in government direction, we were changing our priority. Since government was no longer pushing or encouraging audited departmental financial statements, it didn't make sense for us to continue to audit them.
I absolutely accept that it's the government's decision, and ultimately Parliament's, whether or not you wish to have audited departmental financial statements. If the decision is no, the Office of the Auditor General will accept that decision.
What we have been pointing out to this committee in our discussions is that what you will not be receiving as a result of not auditing those financial statements is some form of independent validation that the controls are there at the departmental level, relevant to the department, to sustain a controls-based audit. You will not be getting that independent validation from the Office of the Auditor General.
If Parliament chooses—