I appreciate, Mr. Ralston, that you didn't necessarily have the material or haven't done it before, but really what I was looking for from your area concerns the managers who were questioned, or at least who responded. I'm not sure who they were, but obviously the AG's department would have that information.
The headline is, “Our work adds value for the organizations we audit”, which is the AG. The response back from the managers was the “Percentage of departmental senior managers who find”—that is, the senior managers find—“our performance audits add value”; that is, the performance audits of our AG.
The target they set for themselves was 65%. Your managers said, or at least 61% of the managers in those departments that were audited said, that they added value. So the target they set—and I think it's low, because for the crown corporations they actually set a value of 75%—was lowered to 65% for the departments, and yet the departments' senior managers said they didn't even hit that score, didn't get the score that the AG expected.
For me, the suggestion is that six out of ten departmental senior managers said it added value, but four out of ten said they didn't think so.
I'll leave it to you to get back to us on that, because I understand you need to take a look at it. It's not to put you on the hot seat, because that's not necessarily fair.
I have one other sort of quasi-statement, part question, to ask. I understand the systems both of you are talking about in the global sense—who's better, who's not better—and the reality for me is that I don't really care what they do in the U.K. or in New Zealand or Australia. I don't live there anymore. I used to live in the U.K. as a kid, but I don't live there anymore. I live here; I pay my taxes here; my government is here, so I'm looking at how we manage our cents.
I commend both of you, both groups, for wanting to ensure that, as my colleagues have said, we get value for the dollar, the money we collect from our citizens. That's extremely important. The issue becomes one not so much of trust as of how we are being perceived by those folks who entrust their money to us. At the moment, the trust level, if you put it on a score, is such that you'd be much higher on the score level than I would be.
So the issue becomes for us, and I'll take a general comment from both groups, is how do we re-engage folks so that when we make a departmental audit and show it to them, they go, “Bang on, two thumbs up, I believe everything that's been said”? Because, quite frankly, at the moment, if I were to take it to my constituents, a lot of them would have a lot of questions, asking me, “Are you sure?”