I call the meeting to order.
Good morning, everyone, and welcome to meeting number 55 of the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. Today is Tuesday, February 15, 2011.
This is our second meeting today. We also met bright and early this morning, and the intentions are that we'll go here for probably four hours.
As your chair, I want to commend the members of this committee and the members of our staff. They are working hard and with dedication to get things done on behalf of all Canadians.
Tonight we are considering Bill C-59, An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (accelerated parole review) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. We are planning on making considerable progress on this bill tonight. Our committee members will also want to thank the many witnesses who are here with us this evening, and I would add that most Canadians will be very pleased to know that this great group of witnesses appeared on very short notice. Each one of you responded positively, and our committee appreciates this and wants to thank you.
We will have ample time to hear from each witness who wants to speak and to ask questions of you as well.
My understanding, unless our clerk has told you differently in the invitation, is that we're going to try to keep the opening statements to somewhere between five and seven minutes, so please be concise. You'll find that the chair is actually a little lenient, so if you go a little over, it's not an indictable offence, but we don't want it to drag on too long.
Go ahead, Mr. Holland.