Thank you very much.
I want to thank the committee for this opportunity to explain why farmers support the continuation of the prison farm program.
I'm Dianne Dowling. I'm the president of Local 316 of the National Farmers Union, which is the local of the union in the Kingston area.
About a year ago, our local, along with Urban Agriculture Kingston and the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul, developed a position statement asking the federal government to do the following: to put a freeze or a halt on dismantling the prison farms while we had a chance to discuss it; to do a full review of the costs and benefits of the program; and to consider possible enhancements or enlargements to the program instead of closing it.
We asked several farm and food groups, as well as social justice and labour groups and other individuals, to sign onto this position statement. We have representation from the Federations of Agriculture, locally, provincially, and federally, as well as the National Farmers Union, the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario, and food groups such as Food Secure Canada and the Toronto Food Policy Council. There is a longer list, which I could supply if you wish.
Therefore, the campaign to revitalize the prison farm program at Corrections Canada has engaged thousands of farmers and citizens who are in support of keeping the program going and in fact revitalizing it.
You might ask why farmers care about the prison farm program. Our initial concern was about the potential loss of the farmland. There are six prison farms across Canada. Two of them are in the Kingston area. They are very obvious to the citizens of Kingston because they are on major roads and they represent a very large tract of valuable prime agricultural land, of which we do not have a surplus in the Kingston area, where we specialize in rocks and trees.
This land has been federally owned for decades and it remains preserved as farmland today. We see this farmland as a precious public asset. Considering that we're facing worldwide issues such as peak oil, climate change, and uncertain political and economic times, and for the sake of the food security of Canadians, we need to keep every acre of farmland that we have in this country.
We also care about the possible loss of critical farm infrastructure. At several of the prison farms, there are abattoirs that are used by local farmers, at least in the Kingston area, to enhance their operations. Because the abattoir is there, they are able to sell their meat to local customers and therefore realize more profitability in their businesses.
The prison farms have also been major customers of the agribusinesses in our area: the feed mills, the farm equipment dealers, other suppliers, and, of course, tradespeople in the area. I'm told that Frontenac Institution spends about $900,000 a year on these farm services. Of course, this helps support those businesses for the rest of us farmers in the area; if they were to lose such a major customer it would have a very detrimental effect on agribusinesses in our area, which could be harmful to other farmers.
We've been working for many years at trying to build the local food system in our area. We believe that every community should increase its capacity to feed itself. The prison is a community and the inmates are helping to feed themselves. We applaud that. We do not regard it as competition to our local farmers. For instance, the dairy farm at Frontenac has a herd of 130 milking cows. The average dairy farm in Ontario is about 60 cows, so that's the equivalent of two family farms, and I don't think that's a major source of competition to the milk market.
There's another area of concern. CSC regional commissioner Ross Toller told you on Thursday that CSC is moving to larger food tenders to take advantage of so-called economies of scale. If the prison farms are closed and are not supplying milk, eggs, and meat to CSC, we do not believe that the average Canadian farmer will be in a position to fill that market.
The food tenders are offered on a system called MERX. You have to be a member of MERX, at a fee, and the tenders are in the millions and hundreds of thousands of pounds of product. I don't think local farmers are going to be able to take advantage of the gap left by the prison farms going out of business. Furthermore, the contracts have to be compliant with NAFTA, which means they could go anywhere in North America.
Of course, we were startled to hear that inmates on the farm program did not gain employable skills. We feel that they gained hard skills like operating equipment, repairing it, and looking after it and that they also gained skills in the food processing that goes on at Frontenac, for instance. Probably just as important--or more important--are the attitudes of punctuality, teamwork, responsibility, and so on.
All of those characteristics are transferable to other jobs and, in fact, are critical to keeping a job. If you have a welding certificate, you might get the job, but you're not going to keep it if you can't get along with your employer or your colleagues.
I will be so bold as to say that Canada and, indeed, civilizations throughout history were built on the work of people who were farmers. Surely that is recommendation enough for CSC to maintain the prison farm program. Farmers and non-farmers alike in the Kingston area, from whom I've heard by the hundreds through their petitions and their participation in our events, are in complete disagreement with the statement that farming does not give inmates employable skills. We certainly endorse the return of trades training to the prisons and feel that it would tie in very well with the farms, because inmates could practice the skills on the farms.
The previous minister of public safety referred to the prison farm system as a 1950s model with outdated technology. I'm a dairy farmer myself and I toured the farm last fall. The dairy operation at Frontenac is modern and well managed. They participate in provincial management programs and they work with the University of Guelph on a calf-feeding program. It is certainly not a 1950s program.
We urge the minister and members of this committee to visit the prison farms in Kingston, as they are the closest to Ottawa--
--and to see this effective, humane, and practical training and rehabilitation program in action. See for yourself that this program works, and at what I would consider to be a modest cost. I urge the committee to look at the value of the program, to reverse the decision to close it, and to work with interested Canadians to expand the program with innovative and useful initiatives.
I thank you for this opportunity to speak with you.