That, in the opinion of the House, in light of the legitimate concerns of Canadians that pensions and their retirement security may not be there for them in their retirement years, the Government of Canada should begin to work with the provinces and territories to ensure the sustainability of Canadians’ retirement incomes by bringing forward for review by the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Research Working Group at the earliest opportunity, measures such as: ( a) expanding and increasing the CPP, OAS and GIS to ensure all Canadians can count on a dignified retirement;( b) establishing a self-financing pension insurance program to ensure the viability of workplace sponsored plans in tough economic times;( c) ensuring that workers’ pension funds go to the front of the line of creditors in the event of bankruptcy proceedings;( d) in the interest of appropriate management of the CPP that the Government of Canada immediately protect the CPP from imprudent investment practices by ceasing the practice of awarding managers performance-based bonuses; and( e) take all necessary steps to recover those bonuses for 2009, ensuring managers in the future are paid appropriate industry-competitive salaries.