
C-38 An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 29, 2012 and other measures

Vote topic

That Bill C-38, in Clause 134, be amended by replacing line 17 on page 151 with the following:

“programs and, if the Minister has determined, on the basis of the features and scope of the programs, that the programs are equivalent in their capabilities to meet and ensure compliance with the provisions of this Act, otherwise harmonizing those”

See context in the Debates.


Yes 102
NDP Liberal Green
No 141


Didn't vote Dean Allison
Didn't vote Scott Armstrong
Didn't vote Leon Benoit
Didn't vote Garry Breitkreuz
Didn't vote Patrick Brown
Didn't vote Barry Devolin
Didn't vote Jim Flaherty
Didn't vote Steven Fletcher
Didn't vote Bal Gosal
Didn't vote Stephen Harper
Didn't vote Dick Harris
Didn't vote Ed Holder
Didn't vote Roxanne James
Didn't vote Greg Kerr
Didn't vote Ben Lobb
Didn't vote Dave MacKenzie
Didn't vote Phil McColeman
Didn't vote Larry Miller
Didn't vote Joe Preston
Didn't vote Andrew Saxton
Didn't vote Andrew Scheer
Didn't vote Kevin Sorenson
Didn't vote Susan Truppe


Didn't vote Alex Atamanenko
Didn't vote Robert Aubin
Didn't vote Paulina Ayala
Didn't vote Chris Charlton
Didn't vote Sylvain Chicoine
Didn't vote Jean Crowder
Didn't vote Don Davies
Didn't vote Libby Davies
Didn't vote Paul Dewar
Didn't vote Randall Garrison
Didn't vote Réjean Genest
Didn't vote Claude Gravelle
Didn't vote Wayne Marston
Didn't vote Brian Masse
Didn't vote Irene Mathyssen
Didn't vote Marc-André Morin
Didn't vote Thomas Mulcair
Didn't vote Pierre Nantel
Didn't vote Peggy Nash
Didn't vote José Nunez-Melo
Didn't vote Francine Raynault
Didn't vote Denise Savoie




Didn't vote Bruce Hyer
