That the amendment be amended by adding after the words “hospital parking” the following:
( n) imposes three more job killing employment insurance tax hikes by 2016 taking an additional $4 billion out of the pockets of Canadians;
( o) does not provide a dedicated waste water infrastructure fund to help municipalities meet the new federal waste water regulations;
( p) fails to bring the provinces together to create a supplemental voluntary Canada Pension Plan;
( q) downloads new costs onto the provinces and territories to pay for job training;
( r) provides no new funding for critical water and wastewater needs in First Nations communities;
( s) fails to provide a comprehensive approach to addressing mental health needs of Canadians;
( t) fails to expand the scope of the Last Post Fund to include post-Korean War Veterans;
( u) fails to restore funding to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for search and rescue;
( v) fails to find the funding to keep open the Experimental Lakes Area, the world renowned freshwater research facility;
( w) fails to restore funding to the Interim Federal Health Program for refugee health care;
( x) did not renew the critical Extended Employment Insurance Benefits Pilot Project; and
( y) commits even more funding to wasteful partisan advertising.