That the motion be amended by: ( a) replacing the words “government loan guarantee to the Lower Churchill hydroelectric project is: (a) an important part of a clean energy agenda; (b) an economically viable project that will create thousands of jobs and billions in economic growth; (c) regionally significant” with the words “loan guarantee provided by the federal government for the Lower Churchill hydroelectric projects—consisting of the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric generation facility, the Labrador Transmission Assets, the Labrador-Island Link, and the Maritime Link—will be an important and valuable step in advancing Canada’s clean energy agenda, as it will support an economically viable, regional energy project that will (a) provide economic benefits”; (b) replacing the words “and (d) environmentally-friendly,” with the words “(b) create environmentally-friendly electricity,”; and (c) adding after the words “oil electricity sources” the words “; and (c) create thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in economic growth”.