Vote topic

That, notwithstanding any Standing or Special Order or usual practice of the House, commencing upon the adoption of this Order and concluding on Friday, June 21, 2013:

( a) the ordinary hour of daily adjournment shall be 12 midnight, except on Fridays;

( b) when a recorded division is demanded, in relation to a proceeding which has been interrupted pursuant to the provisions of an order made under Standing Order 78(3) or pursuant to Standing Orders 61(2) or 66(2), (i) before 2 p.m. on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, it shall stand deferred until the conclusion of oral questions at that day's sitting, or (ii) after 2 p.m. on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, or at any time on a Friday, it shall stand deferred until the conclusion of oral questions at the next sitting day that is not a Friday;

( c) when a recorded division, which would have ordinarily been deemed deferred to immediately before the time provided for Private Members' Business on a Wednesday, is demanded, the said division is deemed to have been deferred until the conclusion of oral questions on the same Wednesday;

( d) when a recorded division is to be held, except recorded divisions deferred to the conclusion of oral questions or to the ordinary hour of daily adjournment, the bells to call in the Members shall be sounded for not more than thirty minutes; and

( e) when a motion for the concurrence in a report from a standing, standing joint or special committee is moved, the debate shall be deemed to have been adjourned upon the conclusion of the period for questions and comments following the speech of the mover of the motion, provided that the debate shall be resumed in the manner ordinarily prescribed by Standing Order 66(2).

See context in the Debates.


Yes 146
No 113
Bloc NDP Liberal Green


Didn't vote Diane Ablonczy
Didn't vote Peter Braid
Didn't vote Garry Breitkreuz
Didn't vote Julian Fantino
Didn't vote Ed Fast
Didn't vote Diane Finley
Didn't vote Shelly Glover
Didn't vote Stephen Harper
Didn't vote Jim Hillyer
Didn't vote Randy Hoback
Didn't vote Denis Lebel
Didn't vote Rick Norlock
Didn't vote Deepak Obhrai
Didn't vote LaVar Payne
Didn't vote Greg Rickford
Didn't vote Gerry Ritz
Didn't vote Andrew Scheer
Didn't vote Bev Shipley


Didn't vote Tyrone Benskin
Didn't vote Tarik Brahmi
Didn't vote Robert Chisholm
Didn't vote Anne-Marie Day
Didn't vote Randall Garrison
Didn't vote Yvon Godin
Didn't vote Claude Gravelle
Didn't vote Jack Harris
Didn't vote Dan Harris
Didn't vote Sana Hassainia
Didn't vote Megan Leslie
Didn't vote Élaine Michaud
Didn't vote Marie-Claude Morin
Didn't vote John Rafferty
Didn't vote Glenn Thibeault
Didn't vote Philip Toone
Didn't vote Jonathan Tremblay




Didn't vote Peter Goldring
