
C-266 An Act to establish Pope John Paul II Day

Vote topic

That the Bill be now read a third time and do pass.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 217
Bloc Conservative Liberal Green
No 42


Didn't vote Keith Ashfield
Didn't vote John Baird
Didn't vote Rod Bruinooge
Didn't vote Ed Fast
Didn't vote Diane Finley
Didn't vote Shelly Glover
Didn't vote Gary Goodyear
Didn't vote Stephen Harper
Didn't vote Gerald Keddy
Didn't vote Tom Lukiwski
Didn't vote Joe Oliver
Didn't vote Gerry Ritz
Didn't vote Andrew Scheer
Didn't vote Joy Smith
Didn't vote Kevin Sorenson
Didn't vote David Tilson
Didn't vote Bernard Valcourt


Didn't vote Paulina Ayala
Didn't vote Françoise Boivin
Didn't vote Charmaine Borg
Didn't vote Tarik Brahmi
Didn't vote Olivia Chow
Didn't vote Paul Dewar
Didn't vote Fin Donnelly
Didn't vote Jack Harris
Didn't vote Sana Hassainia
Didn't vote Hélène LeBlanc
Didn't vote Pat Martin
Didn't vote Brian Masse
Didn't vote Marie-Claude Morin
Didn't vote Marc-André Morin
Didn't vote Jamie Nicholls
Didn't vote Romeo Saganash
Didn't vote Djaouida Sellah
Didn't vote Peter Stoffer
Didn't vote Philip Toone




Didn't vote Bruce Hyer
