Vote topic

That, in the opinion of the House, the government should examine all possible options to ensure a fully unified “continuum of care” approach is in place to serve Canada's men and women in uniform and veterans, so as to: ( a) eliminate all unnecessary bureaucratic processes, both within and between departments, related to service delivery; (b) eliminate duplication and overlap in the delivery of available services and supports; (c) further improve care and support, particularly for seriously injured veterans; (d) provide continuous support for veterans' families during and after service; and (e) strengthen the connections between the Canadian Armed Forces, the Department of National Defence and Veterans Affairs Canada.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 268
Bloc Forces et Démocratie Conservative NDP Liberal Green
No 0


Didn't vote Eve Adams
Didn't vote Harold Albrecht
Didn't vote Keith Ashfield
Didn't vote Patrick Brown
Didn't vote Blaine Calkins
Didn't vote Rob Clarke
Didn't vote Jim Eglinski
Didn't vote Julian Fantino
Didn't vote Christian Paradis
Didn't vote Pat Perkins
Didn't vote Lisa Raitt
Didn't vote Greg Rickford
Didn't vote Andrew Scheer
Didn't vote Brian Storseth
Didn't vote Maurice Vellacott
Didn't vote Mike Wallace


Didn't vote Paulina Ayala
Didn't vote Joe Comartin
Didn't vote Jean Crowder
Didn't vote Fin Donnelly
Didn't vote Claude Gravelle
Didn't vote Pierre Jacob
Didn't vote Pat Martin
Didn't vote Christine Moore
Didn't vote Dany Morin
Didn't vote Marie-Claude Morin
Didn't vote Pierre Nantel
Didn't vote Peter Stoffer




Didn't vote Scott Andrews
Didn't vote André Bellavance
Didn't vote Sana Hassainia
Didn't vote Manon Perreault
Didn't vote Brent Rathgeber


Forces et Démocratie