
C-518 An Act to amend the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (withdrawal allowance)

Vote topic

That Bill C-518, An Act to amend the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (withdrawal allowance), as amended, be concurred in at report stage [with a further amendment/with further amendments].

See context in the Debates.


Yes 256
Bloc Forces et Démocratie Conservative NDP Liberal Green
No 15


Didn't vote Rona Ambrose
Didn't vote Keith Ashfield
Didn't vote John Baird
Didn't vote Steven Blaney
Didn't vote Garry Breitkreuz
Didn't vote Russ Hiebert
Didn't vote Rob Nicholson
Didn't vote Deepak Obhrai
Didn't vote Gordon O'Connor
Didn't vote Greg Rickford
Didn't vote Gerry Ritz
Didn't vote Andrew Scheer
Didn't vote Brian Storseth
Didn't vote Maurice Vellacott
Didn't vote Bob Zimmer


Didn't vote Malcolm Allen
Didn't vote Niki Ashton
Didn't vote Tyrone Benskin
Didn't vote Réjean Genest
Didn't vote Claude Gravelle
Didn't vote Pierre Jacob
Didn't vote Pat Martin
Didn't vote Christine Moore
Didn't vote Marc-André Morin
Didn't vote Romeo Saganash





Forces et Démocratie