Vote topic

That, in the opinion of the House, the government should endorse the report of the Panel on Labour Market Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities entitled “Rethinking disAbility in the Private Sector”, and its findings, and commit to furthering public-private cooperation by: ( a) building on existing government initiatives, such as the Opportunities Fund, the Registered Disability Savings Plan, the ratification of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities; (b) issuing a call to action for Canadian employers to examine the expert panel's findings and encouraging employers to take advantage of private sector-led initiatives to increase employment levels for persons with disabilities in Canada; (c) pursuing greater accountability and coordination of its labour market funding for persons with disabilities and ensuring that funding is demand driven and focussed on suitable performance indicators with strong demonstrable results; (d) establishing an increased focus on young people with disabilities to include support mechanisms specifically targeted at increasing employment levels among youth with disabilities, through programs such as the Youth Employment Strategy; and (e) strengthening efforts to identify existing innovative approaches to increasing the employment of persons with disabilities occurring in communities across Canada and ensuring that programs have the flexibility to help replicate such approaches.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 282
Bloc Conservative NDP Liberal Green
No 0


Didn't vote Dean Allison
Didn't vote Scott Armstrong
Didn't vote John Baird
Didn't vote Joe Daniel
Didn't vote Shelly Glover
Didn't vote Bal Gosal
Didn't vote Brian Jean
Didn't vote Daryl Kramp
Didn't vote Wladyslaw Lizon
Didn't vote Andrew Scheer
Didn't vote Mark Warawa
Didn't vote Lynne Yelich


Didn't vote Charlie Angus
Didn't vote Jean Crowder
Didn't vote Dan Harris
Didn't vote Sana Hassainia
Didn't vote Matthew Kellway
Didn't vote Christine Moore



