Vote topic

That, pursuant to Standing Order 27(1), commencing on Monday, June 9, 2008, and concluding on Thursday, June 19, 2008, the House shall continue to sit until 11:00 p.m.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 114
No 139
Bloc NDP Liberal
Paired 10


Didn't vote Norman Doyle
Didn't vote Jim Flaherty
Didn't vote Stephen Harper
Didn't vote Loyola Hearn
Didn't vote Gary Lunn
Didn't vote Brian Pallister
Didn't vote Joy Smith
Didn't vote John Williams




Didn't vote Colleen Beaumier
Didn't vote Don Bell
Didn't vote John Cannis
Didn't vote Brenda Chamberlain
Didn't vote Raymond Chan
Didn't vote Denis Coderre
Didn't vote Irwin Cotler
Didn't vote Roy Cullen
Didn't vote Dominic LeBlanc
Didn't vote Paul Martin
Didn't vote Keith Martin
Didn't vote Bill Matthews
Didn't vote John McKay
Didn't vote Peter Milliken
Didn't vote Brian Murphy
Didn't vote Bernard Patry
Didn't vote Glen Pearson
Didn't vote Bob Rae
Didn't vote Lucienne Robillard
Didn't vote Scott Simms
Didn't vote Andrew Telegdi
Didn't vote Robert Thibault
Didn't vote Joe Volpe
Didn't vote Paul Zed
