Vote topic

That this House condemn the government’s decision to unilaterally extend the Canadian mission in Afghanistan to 2014, whereby it is breaking two promises it made to Canadians, one made on May 10, 2006, in this House and repeated in the 2007 Throne Speech, that any military deployment would be subject to a vote in Parliament, and another made on January 6, 2010, that the mission in Afghanistan would become a strictly civilian commitment after 2011, without any military presence beyond what would be needed to protect the embassy.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 81
Bloc NDP
No 209
Conservative Liberal
Paired 2


Didn't vote Keith Ashfield
Didn't vote Jay Hill
Didn't vote Peter Kent
Didn't vote Jim Prentice
Paired Gerry Ritz
Didn't vote Andrew Scheer



