Vote topic

That a special committee of the House be hereby established to undertake an immediate study of all relevant issues pertaining to prorogation, including the circumstances in which a request that Parliament be prorogued would be appropriate or inappropriate, and the nature of any rule changes (either by way of the Standing Orders or legislation or both) that may be necessary to avoid any future misuse of prorogation; that, as part of this study, the committee take into account the specific proposals for new rules pertaining to prorogation offered by the Leader of the Opposition, including: ( a) a requirement that the Prime Minister give Parliament written notice in advance of any request to prorogue, together with his/her reasons therefor; (b) a requirement that there be a debate in the House of Commons after any such notice is given, but before any request for prorogation is made; (c) a requirement that the express consent of the House of Commons be obtained at the conclusion of any such debate if (i) fewer than 12 months have passed since the last Speech from the Throne, (ii) the requested prorogation is for a period of more than 30 days, or (iii) an issue of confidence is outstanding before the House; and (d) a provision that allows committees of Parliament to continue to function during any prorogation; andthat the special committee report to the House no later than June 23, 2010.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 50
No 189
Bloc Conservative


Didn't vote Keith Ashfield
Didn't vote Inky Mark
Didn't vote Christian Paradis
Didn't vote Joy Smith


Didn't vote Malcolm Allen
Didn't vote Charlie Angus
Didn't vote Niki Ashton
Didn't vote Alex Atamanenko
Didn't vote Dennis Bevington
Didn't vote Chris Charlton
Didn't vote Olivia Chow
Didn't vote Joe Comartin
Didn't vote Jean Crowder
Didn't vote Nathan Cullen
Didn't vote Don Davies
Didn't vote Libby Davies
Didn't vote Paul Dewar
Didn't vote Fin Donnelly
Didn't vote Linda Duncan
Didn't vote Yvon Godin
Didn't vote Claude Gravelle
Didn't vote Jack Harris
Didn't vote Carol Hughes
Didn't vote Bruce Hyer
Didn't vote Peter Julian
Didn't vote Jack Layton
Didn't vote Megan Leslie
Didn't vote Jim Maloway
Didn't vote Wayne Marston
Didn't vote Tony Martin
Didn't vote Pat Martin
Didn't vote Brian Masse
Didn't vote Irene Mathyssen
Didn't vote Thomas Mulcair
Didn't vote John Rafferty
Didn't vote Denise Savoie
Didn't vote Bill Siksay
Didn't vote Peter Stoffer
Didn't vote Glenn Thibeault



Didn't vote Larry Bagnell
Didn't vote Navdeep Bains
Didn't vote Mauril Bélanger
Didn't vote Carolyn Bennett
Didn't vote Denis Coderre
Didn't vote Irwin Cotler
Didn't vote Stéphane Dion
Didn't vote Raymonde Folco
Didn't vote Marc Garneau
Didn't vote Albina Guarnieri
Didn't vote Michael Ignatieff
Didn't vote Jim Karygiannis
Didn't vote Derek Lee
Didn't vote Lawrence MacAulay
Didn't vote John McCallum
Didn't vote David McGuinty
Didn't vote John McKay
Didn't vote Dan McTeague
Didn't vote Peter Milliken
Didn't vote Joyce Murray
Didn't vote Anita Neville
Didn't vote Glen Pearson
Didn't vote Geoff Regan
Didn't vote Pablo Rodriguez
Didn't vote Michelle Simson
Didn't vote Justin Trudeau
