Number one, Mr. Pelossi was with IAL, which was not my company. I recommended Mr. Pelossi to Mr. Moores and GCI, and he represented them when he signed the agreements, because Frank Moores had a connection to Brian Mulroney, who was the route to go to obtain contracts, not Karlheinz Schreiber. This is nonsense.
The second thing is, when the money came, Frank Moores, at the beginning, took Mr. Pelossi with him to the bank when he opened two accounts. I would not have needed Mr. Pelossi to open a bank account, and I would not have recommended him even to be around, but Moores wanted him to be there because Mr. Pelossi normally would have been the one who would have transferred the money to where I told him, from the orders I would have gotten.
But then, sir--and this is where the confusion starts--he stole the money. He stole $1.3 million from my clients, and I had a terrible situation in which I had to say, look, I recommended the guy, and he stole the money. You will agree with me that people would say, is that true, or is he part of this, or is he stupid to recommend a guy like this? I had to sue him. I had to put the prosecutors on him.