Madame, I will go back and try one more time.
You know, when we met the first time, we spoke about the $300,000...but I would give one to you. I've told you now many times, number one, the commissions were not for me; it was all money to GCI. Can you accept that? Number two, the IAL company is not my company. This will all come out in an inquiry.
Then I had to look after the money because Pelossi couldn't do the job anymore, since he stole the money. Unfortunately, he was in jail when the first money came from MBB, and I gave my private account to IAL so they could transfer the money, because my friends in Canada wanted some money, but Pelossi was in jail.
This Carla Del Ponte is a tough cookie, as you know. You cannot go there...and they wouldn't let Pelossi out. That's number one.
Number two, regarding Frank Moores, on the one hand--and you saw this—I came here once at the beginning, and I said to you it was a Christmas gift, because nobody had seen it. It was always denied that Frank Moores had anything to do with Airbus. You saw the letter from Frank Moores to Franz Josef Strauss, the chairman, and you saw it from the chairman to Frank Moores. You saw the same thing with Thyssen, and you have in your hands the stuff from MBB where it says “commissions GCI”.
I can tell you something. I would love to send you--even privately if you want--a nice document. Do you know how much in consulting fees I made between 1989 and 1994? It was twenty-three million in Germany, and I paid the tax on it. That proves I'm pretty good.