That process or procedure is in place for chartered flights, but many of the flights now are filed as scheduled. There are very few chartered flights that are filed. Even if you look at Europe and Florida and domestic, they're all filed as scheduled. There's very little protection for consumer money. So the charter flights are mainly for all-inclusive package tours where tour operators collect money. They put a package together and they forward the money to the air carrier, and it's to make sure that the consumer receives the money that there is a financial guarantee in place to cover those advanced payments.
There's no such thing in place for scheduled carriers. What I try to illustrate in my very brief summary is that Canada 3000 and Jetsgo were also charter airlines, but they did a lot of scheduled flights, and they were able to generate a lot of cash by having seat sales, which paid for their current expenses. The consumer moneys that were intended for the travel at a later date were not used for that purpose.