Vote topic

That the motion be amended by deleting all the words after paragraph 1 and substituting the following: “upon the adoption of the second reading motion, the Standing Committee on Finance shall undertake public hearings in which opinions of Canadians on this legislation shall be heard; the choices of witnesses to be heard in this process will be made by the Committee; in relation to its study of the Bill, members of the Committee be authorized to travel in Ontario and British Columbia, and that the necessary staff do accompany the Committee; and the Committee shall report these Canadians views back to this House before February 28, 2010.”.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 35
No 212
Bloc Conservative Liberal
Paired 28


Didn't vote Stephen Harper
Didn't vote Peter Kent
Paired Inky Mark
Paired Gerry Ritz
Didn't vote Andrew Scheer
Paired Alice Wong





Didn't vote André Arthur