Thank you very much.
I agree with Mr. Christopherson. This doesn't look good. This is the second situation that's cropped up. Something that didn't look good a few years ago is this sponsorship scandal, when it was shown there was money in a separate bank account and no clear mandate what happened to it. I think it ended up buying horses or something at the end of the day. But it didn't look good to me, and I don't think it looked good to the public.
I reiterate what Mr. Williams says, that the public have to believe that the senior levels of our police force and our criminal justice system are people who live by the highest standards of conduct in society. So in that sense, it just doesn't look good.
The people who were disciplined--I want to be clear on this because it seems we're talking about misconduct and about administrative problems and so on. Am I correct in assuming that their major sin was that they were more on the incompetent end as far as managing and administering things, or was it a question of people crossing the lines in terms of what I'd call the ten commandments?