
C-232 An Act to amend the Excise Act, 2001 (spirits)

Vote topic

That the Bill be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 136
Bloc Conservative NDP
No 156


Didn't vote Maxime Bernier
Didn't vote Michael Chong
Didn't vote Earl Dreeshen
Didn't vote Jim Eglinski
Didn't vote Ed Fast
Didn't vote Tom Kmiec
Didn't vote Mike Lake
Didn't vote Kellie Leitch
Didn't vote Larry Maguire
Didn't vote Alain Rayes
Didn't vote Scott Reid
Didn't vote Michelle Rempel
Didn't vote Martin Shields
Didn't vote Arnold Viersen
Didn't vote David Yurdiga




Didn't vote John Aldag
Didn't vote William Amos
Didn't vote Mike Bossio
Didn't vote Matt DeCourcey
Didn't vote Stéphane Dion
Didn't vote Kirsty Duncan
Didn't vote Andy Fillmore
Didn't vote Chrystia Freeland
Didn't vote Marc Garneau
Didn't vote Catherine McKenna
Didn't vote Michael McLeod
Didn't vote Joe Peschisolido
Didn't vote Yasmin Ratansi
Didn't vote Geoff Regan
Didn't vote Sherry Romanado
Didn't vote Ruby Sahota
Didn't vote Deb Schulte
Didn't vote Judy Sgro
Didn't vote Justin Trudeau



Didn't vote Elizabeth May