Vote topic

That: ( a) the House recognize that (i) Canadian arms exports have nearly doubled over the past decade, and that Canada is now the second-largest exporter of arms to the Middle East, (ii) Canadians expect a high standard from their government when it comes to protecting human rights abroad, (iii) Canadians are concerned by arms sales to countries with a record of human rights abuses, including Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Sudan, (iv) there is a need for Canadians, through Parliament, to oversee current and future arms sales; (b) Standing Order 104(2) be amended by adding after clause (b) the following: “(c) Arms Exports Review”; (c) Standing Order 108(3) be amended by adding the following: “(i) Arms Exports Review shall include, among other matters, the review of and report on (i) Canada’s arms export permits regime, (ii) proposed international arms sales, (iii) annual government reports regarding arms sales, (iv) the use of these weapons abroad, (v) all matters and broader trends regarding Canada’s current and future arms exports.”; (d) the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs prepare and report to the House within five sitting days of the adoption of this Order a list of Members to compose the new standing committee created by this Order; and (e) that the Clerk be authorized to make any required editorial and consequential amendments to the Standing Orders.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 41
Bloc NDP
No 239
Conservative Liberal


Didn't vote Ziad Aboultaif
Didn't vote Rona Ambrose
Didn't vote Candice Bergen
Didn't vote Randy Hoback
Didn't vote Tom Kmiec
Didn't vote Ron Liepert
Didn't vote Tom Lukiwski
Didn't vote Kelly McCauley
Didn't vote Cathy McLeod
Didn't vote John Nater
Didn't vote Deepak Obhrai
Didn't vote Alain Rayes
Didn't vote Blake Richards
Didn't vote Andrew Scheer
Didn't vote Dianne Lynn Watts




Didn't vote John Aldag
Didn't vote Leona Alleslev
Didn't vote Ramez Ayoub
Didn't vote Jim Carr
Didn't vote Bill Casey
Didn't vote Matt DeCourcey
Didn't vote Julie Dzerowicz
Didn't vote Wayne Easter
Didn't vote Raj Grewal
Didn't vote Mark Holland
Didn't vote Yvonne Jones
Didn't vote Stéphane Lauzon
Didn't vote Michael Levitt
Didn't vote Steven MacKinnon
Didn't vote Jennifer O'Connell
Didn't vote Joe Peschisolido
Didn't vote Yasmin Ratansi
Didn't vote Geoff Regan
Didn't vote Sherry Romanado
Didn't vote Ruby Sahota
Didn't vote Darrell Samson
Didn't vote Nick Whalen



Didn't vote Elizabeth May