Vote topic

That the motion be amended by:

( a) adding after the words “online voting” the following:

“, and to assess the extent to which the options identified could advance the following principles for electoral reform:

1) Effectiveness and legitimacy: that the proposed measure would increase public confidence among Canadians that their democratic will, as expressed by their votes, will be fairly translated and that the proposed measure reduces distortion and strengthens the link between voter intention and the election of representatives;

2) Engagement: that the proposed measure would encourage voting and participation in the democratic process, foster greater civility and collaboration in politics, enhance social cohesion and offer opportunities for inclusion of underrepresented groups in the political process;

3) Accessibility and inclusiveness: that the proposed measure would avoid undue complexity in the voting process, while respecting the other principles, and that it would support access by all eligible voters regardless of physical or social condition;

4) Integrity: that the proposed measure can be implemented while safeguarding public trust in the election process, by ensuring reliable and verifiable results obtained through an effective and objective process that is secure and preserves vote secrecy for individual Canadians;

5) Local representation: that the proposed measure would ensure accountability and recognize the value that Canadians attach to community, to Members of Parliament understanding local conditions and advancing local needs at the national level, and to having access to Members of Parliament to facilitate resolution of their concerns and participation in the democratic process;”

( b) replacing the words “November 1, 2016” with the words “October 14, 2016”;

( c) adding after the words “engagement tools;” the following: “that the Committee be directed to study and advise on additional methods for obtaining the views of Canadians;” and

( d) replacing the words “, notwithstanding Standing Order 106(3), all candidates for the position of Chair or Vice-Chair from the Official Opposition” with the words “all candidates for the position of Chair or Vice-Chair”.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 230
Bloc NDP Liberal Green
No 91


Didn't vote Candice Bergen
Didn't vote Maxime Bernier
Didn't vote Diane Finley
Didn't vote Cheryl Gallant
Didn't vote Jim Hillyer
Didn't vote Erin O'Toole
Didn't vote Lisa Raitt
Didn't vote David Tilson




Didn't vote Navdeep Bains
Didn't vote Mauril Bélanger
Didn't vote Kamal Khera
Didn't vote Marco Mendicino
Didn't vote MaryAnn Mihychuk
Didn't vote Geoff Regan
Didn't vote Judy Sgro


Didn't vote Hunter Tootoo
