This session began on January 26th, 2009 and ended on December 30th, 2009.


#158 Passed That the Eighth Report of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans, presented on Wednesday, November 18, 2009, be concurred in.
#157 Failed C-291 That the Bill be now read a third time and do pass.
#156 Passed C-64 That the Bill be now read a third time and do pass.
#155 Passed That, given the undisputed privileges of Parliament under Canada’s constitution, including the absolute power to require the government to produce uncensored documents when requested, and given the reality that the government has violated the rights of Parliament by invoking the Canada Evidence Act to censor documents before producing them, the House urgently requires access to the following documents in their original and uncensored form: all documents referred to in the affidavit of Richard Colvin, dated October 5, 2009; all documents within the Department of Foreign Affairs written in response to the documents referred to in the affidavit of Richard Colvin, dated October 5, 2009; all memoranda for information or memoranda for decision sent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs concerning detainees from December 18, 2005 to the present; all documents produced pursuant to all orders of the Federal Court in Amnesty International Canada and British Columbia Civil Liberties Association v. Chief of the Defence Staff for the Canadian Forces, Minister of National Defence and Attorney General of Canada; all documents produced to the Military Police Complaints Commission in the Afghanistan Public Interest Hearings; all annual human rights reports by the Department of Foreign Affairs on Afghanistan; and all documents referred to by the Chief of Defence Staff in his December 9, 2009 press conference, and all other relevant documents; and accordingly the House hereby orders that these documents be produced in their original and uncensored form forthwith.
#154 Passed That the motion be amended by adding before the word “accordingly” the following: “all documents referred to by the Chief of Defence Staff in his December 9, 2009 press conference, and all other relevant documents; and”.
#153 Passed C-62 That the Bill be now read a third time and do pass.

See all 158 votes for this session.

Government bills

C-2 Law Canada-EFTA Free Trade Agreement Implementation
C-3 Law Amend the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention
C-4 Law Canada Not-for-profit Corporations
C-5 Law Amend the Indian Oil and Gas
C-6 Canada Consumer Product Safety
C-7 Law Amend the Marine Liability Act and the Federal Courts Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
C-8 Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights
C-9 Law Amend the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992
C-10 Law Budget Implementation Act, 2009
C-11 Law Human Pathogens and Toxins
C-12 Law Appropriation Act No. 4, 2008-2009
C-13 Amend the Canada Grain Act, chapter 22 of the Statutes of Canada, 1998 and chapter 25 of the Statutes of Canada, 2004
C-14 Law Amend the Criminal Code (organized crime and protection of justice system participants)
C-15 Amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts
C-16 Law Environmental Enforcement
C-17 Law National Cemetery of Canada
C-18 Law Amend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act, to validate certain calculations and to amend other Acts
C-19 Amend the Criminal Code (investigative hearing and recognizance with conditions)
C-20 Nuclear Liability and Compensation
C-21 Law Appropriation Act No. 5, 2008-2009
C-22 Law Appropriation Act No. 1, 2009-2010
C-23 Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement Implementation
C-24 Law Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement Implementation
C-25 Law Truth in Sentencing
C-26 Amend the Criminal Code (auto theft and trafficking in property obtained by crime)
C-27 Electronic Commerce Protection
C-28 Law Amend the Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec)
C-29 Law Increase the availability of agricultural loans and to repeal the Farm Improvement Loans
C-30 Senate Ethics
C-31 Amend the Criminal Code, the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act and the Identification of Criminals Act and to make a consequential amendment to another
C-32 Law Amend the Tobacco
C-33 Law Amend the War Veterans Allowance
C-34 Protecting Victims From Sex Offenders
C-35 Justice for Victims of Terrorism
C-36 Serious Time for the Most Serious Crime
C-37 An Action Plan for the National Capital Commission
C-38 Law An Act Creating One of the World's Largest National Park Reserves
C-39 Law Amend the Judges
C-40 Expanded Voting Opportunities
C-41 Law Maanulth First Nations Final Agreement
C-42 Ending Conditional Sentences for Property and Other Serious Crimes
C-43 Strengthening Canada's Corrections System
C-44 Amend the Canada Post Corporation
C-45 Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection
C-46 Investigative Powers for the 21st Century
C-47 Technical Assistance for Law Enforcement in the 21st Century
C-48 Law Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009-2010
C-49 Law Appropriation Act No. 3, 2009-2010
C-50 Law Amend the Employment Insurance Act and to increase benefits
C-51 Law Economic Recovery Act (stimulus)
C-52 Retribution on Behalf of Victims of White Collar Crime
C-53 Protecting Canadians by Ending Early Release for Criminals
C-54 Protecting Canadians by Ending Sentence Discounts for Multiple Murders
C-55 Response to the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in R. v. Shoker
C-56 Law Fairness for the Self-Employed
C-57 Canada-Jordan Free Trade
C-58 Child Protection Act (Online Sexual Exploitation)
C-59 Keeping Canadians Safe Act (International Transfer of Offenders)
C-60 Keeping Canadians Safe (Protecting Borders)
C-61 Railway Continuation Act, 2009
C-62 Law Provincial Choice Tax Framework
C-63 First Nations Certainty of Land Title
C-64 Law Appropriation Act No. 4, 2009-2010
S-2 Law Amend the Customs
S-3 Law Amend the Energy Efficiency
S-4 Law Amend the Criminal Code (identity theft and related misconduct)
S-5 Amend the Criminal Code and another
S-6 Amend the Canada Elections Act (accountability with respect to political loans)
S-7 Amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (Senate term limits)
S-8 Implement conventions and protocols concluded between Canada and Colombia, Greece and Turkey for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income

Private members' bills are introduced by MPs who are not cabinet ministers—opposition members, or sometimes government backbenchers. They rarely become law.

Private members' bills

C-201 Amend the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (deletion of deduction from annuity)
C-202 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (members who cross the floor)
C-203 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on the sale of home heating fuels)
C-204 Sudan Accountability
C-205 Food Products Labelling
C-206 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on books or pamphlets)
C-207 Amend the National Capital Act (appointments and meetings)
C-208 Sale of Medals Prohibition
C-209 Internet Child Pornography Prevention
C-210 Amend the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (marriage after the age of sixty years)
C-211 Seniors' Day
C-212 Amend the Income tax Act (in-home care of relatives)
C-213 Amend the Financial Administration Act and the Passport Services Fees Regulations (passports for veterans, members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and their spouses or common-law partners, and seniors)
C-214 Tartan Day
C-215 Change the name of the electoral district of Sackville — Eastern Shore
C-216 Amend the Income Tax Act (services to a charity or public authority)
C-217 Amend the Employment Insurance Act and the Canada Labour Code (compassionate care benefits for caregivers)
C-218 Amend the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (increase of allowance for surviving spouse and children)
C-219 Amend the Fisheries Act (deposit in lakes)
C-220 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on funeral arrangements)
C-221 Amend the Criminal Code (peace officers)
C-222 Amend the Income Tax Act (physical activity and amateur sport fees)
C-223 Amend the Income Tax Act (community service group membership dues)
C-224 Amend the Canadian Bill of Rights (right to housing)
C-225 Amend the Income Tax Act (expenses incurred by caregivers)
C-226 Assistance to Students Visiting Military Memorial Sites Abroad
C-227 Amend the Income Tax Act (travel and accommodation deduction for tradespersons)
C-228 Canada Water Preservation
C-229 Amend the Criminal Code (cruelty to animals)
C-230 Amend the Criminal Code (cruelty to animals)
C-231 Amend the Criminal Code and the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (consecutive sentences)
C-232 Amend the Supreme Court Act (understanding the official languages)
C-233 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (benefit period increase for regional rate of unemployment)
C-234 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (length of benefit period)
C-235 Amend the Canada Labour Code (occupational disease registry)
C-236 Change the name of the electoral district of Sault Ste. Marie
C-237 Amend the Criminal Code (motor vehicle theft)
C-238 Holocaust Monument
C-239 National Ecosystems Council of Canada
C-240 Amend the Income Tax Act (deduction for volunteer emergency service)
C-241 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (removal of waiting period)
C-242 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (percentage of insurable earnings payable to claimant)
C-243 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (change of title) and another Act in consequence
C-244 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (removal of waiting period)
C-245 Amend the Canada Evidence Act (interpretation of numerical dates)
C-246 Amend the Criminal Code (child sexual predators)
C-247 Amend the Criminal Code (bail for persons charged with violent offences), the Extradition Act and the Youth Criminal Justice
C-248 Louis Riel
C-249 First Nations Children's Health Protection
C-250 Canada Water Export Prohibition
C-251 Amend the Food and Drugs Act (trans fatty acids)
C-252 Amend the Currency Act and the Royal Canadian Mint Act (abolition of the cent)
C-253 Amend the Canada Post Corporation Act (mail free of postage to members of the Canadian Forces)
C-254 Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (exception to inadmissibility)
C-255 Amend the Bank Act (automated banking machine charges)
C-256 Pension Ombudsman
C-257 Labour Market Training, Apprenticeship and Certification
C-258 Amend the Canada Business Corporations Act (qualification of auditor)
C-259 Amend the Canada Business Corporations Act (annual financial statements)
C-260 Amend the Criminal Code (legal duty outside Canada)
C-261 Amend the Criminal Code (failure to stop at scene of accident)
C-262 Amend the Old Age Security Act (monthly guaranteed income supplement)
C-263 Amend the Referendum Act (reform of the electoral system of Canada)
C-264 Family Farm Cost-of-Production Protection
C-265 Amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (protection of assets)
C-266 Credit Ombudsman
C-267 Proportional Representation Review
C-268 Amend the Criminal Code (minimum sentence for offences involving trafficking of persons under the age of eighteen years)
C-269 Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (victim — trafficking in persons)
C-270 Change the name of the electoral district of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce--Lachine
C-271 Amend the Textile Labelling
C-272 Mathieu Da Costa Day
C-273 Amend the Competition Act and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (right to repair)
C-274 Amend the Income Tax Act (tax credit for gifts)
C-275 Amend the Patent Act (infringement of a patent)
C-276 Workplace Psychological Harassment Prevention
C-277 National Fish and Wildlife Heritage Commission
C-278 Amend the Access to Information Act (response time)
C-279 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (amounts not included in earnings)
C-280 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (qualification for and entitlement to benefits)
C-281 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (benefit period increase)
C-282 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on carbon offsets)
C-283 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on bicycles)
C-284 Pay Equity Task Force Recommendations
C-285 Modernization of Investigative Techniques
C-286 Oil and Gas Ombudsman
C-287 Amend the Holidays Act (Remembrance Day)
C-288 Amend the Income Tax Act (tax credit for new graduates working in designated regions)
C-289 Amend the Hazardous Products Act (recreational snow sport helmets)
C-290 Amend the Income Tax Act (tax credit for loss of retirement income)
C-291 Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (coming into force of sections 110, 111 and 171)
C-292 Change the name of the electoral district of New Westminster—Coquitlam
C-293 Amend the Criminal Code (means of communication for child luring)
C-294 Amend the Criminal Code (luring a child outside Canada)
C-295 Amend the Canada Pension Plan (episodic disability)
C-296 Amend the Income Tax Act (tax credits for dependants)
C-297 International Treaty Accountability
C-298 Corporate Social Responsibility of Mining Corporations Outside Canada
C-299 Bisphenol A (BPA) Control
C-300 Corporate Accountability of Mining, Oil and Gas Corporations in Developing Countries
C-301 Amend the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act (registration of firearms)
C-302 Italian-Canadian Recognition and Restitution
C-303 Amend the Income Tax Act (travel expenses)
C-304 Secure, Adequate, Accessible and Affordable Housing
C-305 Amend the Bills of Exchange Act (rights of bill holders)
C-306 Canadian Products Promotion
C-307 Amend the Official Languages Act (Charter of the French Language) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
C-308 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (improvement of the employment insurance system)
C-309 Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Region of Northern Ontario
C-310 Air Passengers' Bill of Rights
C-311 Climate Change Accountability
C-312 Made in Canada
C-313 Amend the Holidays Act (Flag Day)
C-314 Amend the Criminal Code (public transportation workers)
C-315 Amend the Criminal Code (leaving province to avoid warrant of arrest or committal)
C-316 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (special benefits)
C-317 Amend the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Northern Ontario)
C-318 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (self-employed artists and authors)
C-319 Amend the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (speed limiters)
C-320 National Hockey Day
C-321 ALS Month
C-322 Amend the Canada Post Corporation Act (library materials)
C-323 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (compassionate care benefits for dependent children)
C-324 Amend the Competition Act and the Food and Drugs Act (child protection against advertising exploitation)
C-325 Change the name of the electoral district of Welland
C-326 Amend the Access to Information Act (open government)
C-327 Canadian Autism Day
C-328 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
C-329 Change the name of the electoral district of Cariboo — Prince George
C-330 Change the name of the electoral district of Chatham-Kent -- Essex
C-331 Amend the Criminal Code (arrest without a warrant)
C-332 Amend the Criminal Code (review of parole ineligibility) and to amend other Acts in consequence
C-333 Amend the Criminal Code (mass transit operators)
C-334 Prevention of Torture
C-335 Amend the Canada Labour Code (illness or injury)
C-336 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (labour dispute)
C-337 Amend the Canada Labour Code (replacement workers)
C-338 Toxic Substances Labelling
C-339 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (maximum - special benefits)
C-340 Amend the Youth Criminal Justice Act (publication of information)
C-341 Amend the Excise Tax Act (feminine hygiene products)
C-342 Nowruz Day
C-343 Amend the Canada Labour Code and the Employment Insurance Act (family leave)
C-344 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (elimination of waiting period)
C-345 Amend the War Veterans Allowance Act (allied veterans)
C-346 Country of Origin Labelling
C-347 Fish Labelling
C-348 Amend the Tobacco Act (cigarillos, cigars and pipe tobacco)
C-349 Amend the Criminal Code (body armour)
C-350 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on reading materials)
C-351 Amend the Income Tax Act (herbal remedies)
C-352 National Security Committee of Parliamentarians
C-353 Terminator Seeds Ban
C-354 Amend the Federal Courts Act (international promotion and protection of human rights)
C-355 Amend the Criminal Code (cyberbullying)
C-356 Amend the Income Tax Act (volunteers)
C-357 Amend the Hazardous Products Act (noise limit for children's products)
C-358 First Nations Veterans Compensation
C-359 Amend the Contraventions Act and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (marihuana)
C-360 Amend the Canada Health Act (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
C-361 Amend the Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (reduced risk)
C-362 Amend the Criminal Code (personal identity theft)
C-363 Amend the Pest Control Products Act (prohibition of the use of chemical pesticides for certain purposes)
C-364 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on bicycles, adult tricycles and related goods and services)
C-365 Amend the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (appointment of permanent members)
C-366 Breast Implant Registry
C-367 Amend the National Capital Act (Gatineau Park)
C-368 Amend the Pest Control Products Act (prohibition of the use of chemical pesticides for non-essential purposes)
C-369 Organ Donor Registry
C-370 Amend the Food and Drugs Act (mandatory labelling for genetically modified foods)
C-371 Amend the Income Tax Act (low-cost residential rental property)
C-372 Amend the Criminal Code (victim restitution)
C-373 Early Learning and Child Care
C-374 Change the name of the electoral district of Western Arctic
C-375 Amend the Northwest Territories Act (legislative powers)
C-376 Amend the Criminal Code (addition to order of prohibition)
C-377 Amend the Food and Drugs Act (durable life date)
C-378 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (increase of maximum number of weeks: combined weeks of benefits)
C-379 Amend the Air Canada Public Participation
C-380 Amend the Criminal Code (hate propaganda)
C-381 Amend the Criminal Code (trafficking and transplanting human organs and other body parts)
C-382 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on literacy materials)
C-383 Education Benefits
C-384 Amend the Criminal Code (right to die with dignity)
C-385 Amend the Criminal Code (computer virus programs)
C-386 Amend the Canada Labour Code (replacement workers)
C-387 Amend the Income Tax Act (exemption from taxation of 50% of United States social security payments to Canadian residents)
C-388 Amend the Criminal Code (judicial discretion)
C-389 Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (gender identity and gender expression)
C-390 Conscientious Objection
C-391 Amend the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act (repeal of long-gun registry)
C-392 Made in Canada
C-393 Amend the Patent Act (drugs for international humanitarian purposes) and to make a consequential amendment to another
C-394 Internment of Persons of Croatian Origin Recognition
C-395 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (labour dispute)
C-396 Amend the Canada Pension Plan (deductions — disabled child)
C-397 Amend the Citizenship Act (persons born abroad)
C-398 Amend the Telecommunications Act (Internet neutrality)
C-399 Amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (asbestos)
C-400 Bicycle Path Promotion
C-401 National Literacy Policy
C-402 National Environmental Standards
C-403 Amend the Alternative Fuels Act and the Excise Tax Act (motor vehicles operating on alternative fuels)
C-404 Amend the Criminal Code (failure to prevent access to child pornography)
C-405 Amend the Criminal Code (firefighters)
C-406 Pedro da Silva Recognition
C-407 Elimination of Racial and Religious Profiling
C-408 Amend the State Immunity Act and the Criminal Code (deterring terrorism by providing a civil right of action against perpetrators and sponsors of terrorism)
C-409 Canada-Portugal Day
C-410 National Infant and Child Loss Awareness Day
C-411 Amend the Income Tax Act (removal of charge)
C-412 Iran Accountability
C-413 Amend the Employment Insurance Act and the Canada Labour Code (extension of benefit period for adoptive parents)
C-414 Amend the Income Tax Act (refundable tax credit for low-income earners)
C-415 Amend the Canada Marine Act (City of Toronto) and other Acts in consequence
C-416 Amend the Income Tax Act (fitness)
C-417 Amend the Income Tax Act (inborn error of metabolism)
C-418 Children's Commissioner of Canada
C-419 Valcartier Military Base
C-420 Amend the Income Tax Act (deduction for volunteer emergency service)
C-421 Emergency Services Appreciation Day
C-422 Amend the Divorce Act (equal parenting) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
C-423 Canadian Footbal
C-424 Amend the Youth Criminal Justice Act (protection of the public)
C-425 Foreign Credential Recognition
C-426 Amend the Bank Act and other Acts (cost of borrowing for credit cards)
C-427 Grandparents Day
C-428 Amend the Old Age Security Act (residency requirement)
C-429 Amend the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (use of wood)
C-430 Purple Day
C-431 Change the name of the electoral district of Oak Ridges — Markham
C-432 Amend the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (brake pads)
C-433 Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (appeals)
C-434 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (day parole — six months or one sixth of the sentence rule)
C-435 Made in Canada Procurement
C-436 Uranium Mine Ownership
C-437 To Amend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (labour relations)
C-438 Extraterritorial Activities of Canadian Businesses and Entities
C-439 Amend the Hazardous Products Act (products made with dog or cat fur)
C-440 Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (war resisters)
C-441 Amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (disclosure of environmental, social and governance investment factors)
C-442 National Holocaust Monument
C-443 Amend the Citizenship Act (exception to the rule of inapplicability after the first generation)
C-444 Amend the Broadcasting Act and the Telecommunications Act (broadcasting and telecommunications policies)
C-445 Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (security certificates and special advocates)
C-446 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (members who cross the floor)
C-447 Department of Peace
C-448 Amend the Canada Labour Code (minimum wage)
C-449 Free Public Transit for Seniors
C-450 Amend the Canada Post Corporation Act (rural mail delivery)
C-451 Amend the Criminal Code (mischief)
C-452 Amend the Competition Act (inquiry into industry sector)
C-453 Williams Syndrome Awareness Week
C-454 Canadian Soldiers' and Peacekeepers' Memorial Wall
C-455 Amend the Canada Labour Code (French language)
C-456 Leif Erikson Day
C-457 Respecting the Insurance Business (Banks and Bank Holding Companies) Regulations
C-458 Amend the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (prohibition against oil tankers in Dixon Entrance, Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound)
C-459 Amend the Excise Tax Act (goods and services tax on school authorities)
C-460 Defence of Canada Medal Act (1946-1989)
C-461 Amend the Criminal Code (use of hand-held telecommunications device while operating a motor vehicle)
C-462 Canada Marine Day
C-463 Prohibition on Importing Goods Produced by Sweatshop Labour
C-464 Amend the Criminal Code (justification for detention in custody)
C-465 National Hunting, Trapping and Fishing Heritage Day
C-466 Amend the Income Tax Act (transportation benefits)
C-467 Amend the Citizenship Act (children born abroad)
C-468 Respecting the Health of Animals Regulations (animals in transit)
C-469 Canadian Environmental Bill of Rights
C-470 Amend the Income Tax Act (revocation of registration)
C-471 Pay Equity Task Force Recommendations
C-472 Amend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (Civilian Investigation Service)
C-473 Protection of Insignia of Military Orders, Decorations and Medals
C-474 Seeds Regulations
C-475 Amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (methamphetamine and ecstasy)
C-476 Amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and other Acts (unfunded pension plan liabilities)
C-477 Holidays Harmonization
C-478 Amend the Canada Pension Plan (arrears of benefits)
C-479 Amend the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act (individuals or entities engaged in farming operations)
C-480 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on poppies or poppy wreaths)
C-481 Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Canada Labour Code (mandatory retirement age)
C-482 Amend the Radiocommunication Act (voluntary organizations that provide emergency services)
C-483 Redress for Victims of International Crimes
C-484 Amend the Criminal Code (cracking down on child pornography)
C-485 Amend the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act (members' staff)
C-486 Treaties
C-487 Amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and another Act in consequence (health-related benefit plans)
C-488 Amend the Investment Canada Act (disclosure of undertakings and demands)
C-489 Inco Limited Acquisition
C-490 Falconbridge Limited Acquisition
C-491 Amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and respecting the On-Road Vehicle and Engine Emission Regulations (emissions labelling for vehicles)
C-492 Temporary Resident Visa Processing Requirements
C-493 Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (foreign nationals)
C-542 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (illness of child) and another Act in consequence
C-555 Telecommunications Transparency and Fairness
S-201 Amend the Library and Archives of Canada Act (National Portrait Gallery)
S-202 Amend the Canada Elections Act (repeal of fixed election dates)
S-203 Municipal Modernization and Business Development Bank of Canada
S-204 Amend the National Capital Act (establishment and protection of Gatineau Park)
S-205 Amend the Criminal Code (suicide bombings)
S-206 Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development
S-207 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (foreign postings)
S-208 Amend the Food and Drugs Act (clean drinking water)
S-209 Amend the Criminal Code (protection of children)
S-210 World Autism Awareness Day
S-211 Drinking Water Sources
S-212 Amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
S-213 Amend the Income Tax Act (carbon offset tax credit)
S-214 Canada Securities
S-215 Constitution Act, 2009 (Property qualifications of Senators)
S-216 Amend the Federal Sustainable Development Act and the Auditor General Act (involvement of Parliament)
S-217 National Philanthropy Day
S-218 Amend the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations
S-219 Amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (student loans)
S-220 Anti-Spam
S-221 Amend the Financial Administration Act (borrowing of money)
S-222 Amend the International Boundary Waters Treaty Act (bulk water removal)
S-223 Victims of Human Trafficking Protection
S-224 Amend the Canada Elections Act and the Parliament of Canada Act (vacancies)
S-225 Amend the Citizenship Act (oath of citizenship)
S-226 Amend the Criminal Code (lottery schemes)
S-227 Amend the Income Tax Act and the Excise Tax Act (tax relief for Nunavik)
S-228 Amend the Financial Administration Act and the Bank of Canada Act (quarterly financial reports)
S-229 Amend the Fisheries Act (commercial seal fishing)
S-230 Amend the Bank of Canada Act (credit rating agency)
S-231 Amend the Investment Canada Act (human rights violations)
S-232 Amend the Patent Act (drugs for international humanitarian purposes) and to make a consequential amendment to another
S-233 Amend the State Immunity Act and the Criminal Code (deterring terrorism by providing a civil right of action against perpetrators and sponsors of terrorism)
S-234 Amend the Canada Pension Plan (retroactivity of retirement and survivor's pensions)
S-235 Governance of Canadian Businesses Emergency Act, 2009
S-236 Amend the Canada Elections Act (election expenses)
S-237 Aboriginal Languages of Canada
S-238 Board of Directors Gender Parity
S-239 Act to amend the Conflict of Interest Act (gifts)
S-240 National Day of Service
S-241 Amend the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Act (credit and debit cards)
S-242 Amend the Canadian Payments Act (debit card payment systems)
S-243 Medical Devices Registry
S-244 Amend the Canada Post Corporation Act (rural postal services)
S-245 Amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and other Acts (unfunded pension plan liabilities)