Vote topic

Private Members' Business M-206 (Instruction to the Standing Committee on Health (level of fitness and physical activity of youth))

See context in the Debates.


Yes 257
Bloc Conservative Liberal Green
No 36
Paired 2


Didn't vote Steven Blaney
Didn't vote Sylvie Boucher
Didn't vote Blaine Calkins
Didn't vote Marilyn Gladu
Didn't vote Joël Godin
Didn't vote Phil McColeman
Didn't vote Erin O'Toole
Didn't vote Lisa Raitt
Didn't vote Blake Richards
Didn't vote Bev Shipley
Didn't vote Rachael Thomas
Didn't vote Karen Vecchio




Didn't vote Scott Brison
Didn't vote Sean Casey
Didn't vote Shaun Chen
Didn't vote Pam Damoff
Didn't vote Nicola Di Iorio
Didn't vote Wayne Easter
Didn't vote Colin Fraser
Didn't vote Hedy Fry
Didn't vote Karina Gould
Didn't vote TJ Harvey
Didn't vote Mélanie Joly
Didn't vote Kamal Khera
Didn't vote Catherine McKenna
Didn't vote Maryam Monsef
Didn't vote Geoff Regan
Didn't vote Amarjeet Sohi
Didn't vote Justin Trudeau
Didn't vote Nick Whalen

