
C-86 A second Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 27, 2018 and other measures

Vote topic

2nd reading of Bill C-86, A second Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 27, 2018 and other measures

See context in the Debates.


Yes 167
Liberal Green
No 129
Bloc Conservative NDP


Didn't vote David Anderson
Didn't vote Kelly Block
Didn't vote Tony Clement
Didn't vote Earl Dreeshen
Didn't vote Ed Fast
Didn't vote Diane Finley
Didn't vote Randy Hoback
Didn't vote Phil McColeman
Didn't vote Bob Saroya
Didn't vote Martin Shields
Didn't vote David Sweet
Didn't vote Karen Vecchio




Didn't vote Omar Alghabra
Didn't vote Terry Beech
Didn't vote Scott Brison
Didn't vote Serge Cormier
Didn't vote Nicola Di Iorio
Didn't vote Chrystia Freeland
Didn't vote Ahmed Hussen
Didn't vote Majid Jowhari
Didn't vote Alaina Lockhart
Didn't vote Lawrence MacAulay
Didn't vote Alexandra Mendes
Didn't vote Bill Morneau
Didn't vote Joyce Murray
Didn't vote Denis Paradis
Didn't vote Geoff Regan
Didn't vote Raj Saini
Didn't vote Justin Trudeau

