This session began on June 2nd, 2011 and ended on September 13th, 2013.


#760 Passed C-54 That, in relation to Bill C-54, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the National Defence Act (mental disorder), not more than five further hours shall be allotted to the consideration of the third reading stage of the Bill; and that, at the expiry of the five hours provided for the consideration of the third reading stage of the said Bill, any proceedings before the House shall be interrupted, if required for the purpose of this Order, and, in turn, every question necessary for the disposal of the said stage of the Bill shall be put forthwith and successively, without further debate or amendment.
#759 Passed That the debate be now adjourned.
#758 Passed C-49 That Bill C-49, An Act to amend the Museums Act in order to establish the Canadian Museum of History and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, be concurred in at report stage.
#757 Failed C-49 That Bill C-49 be amended by deleting Clause 1.
#756 Passed C-49 That, in relation to Bill C-49, An Act to amend the Museums Act in order to establish the Canadian Museum of History and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, not more than five further hours shall be allotted to the consideration at report stage of the Bill and five hours shall be allotted to the consideration at third reading stage of the said Bill; and that, at the expiry of the five hours provided for the consideration of the report stage and at the expiry of the five hours provided for the third reading stage of the said Bill, any proceedings before the House shall be interrupted, if required for the purpose of this Order, and, in turn, every question necessary for the disposal of the said stages of the Bill shall be put forthwith and successively, without further debate or amendment.
#755 Passed S-16 That, in relation to Bill S-16, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in contraband tobacco), not more than one further sitting day shall be allotted to the consideration at second reading stage of the Bill; and that, 15 minutes before the expiry of the time provided for Government Orders on the day allotted to the consideration at second reading stage of the said Bill, any proceedings before the House shall be interrupted, if required for the purpose of this Order, and, in turn, every question necessary for the disposal of the said stage of the Bill shall be put forthwith and successively, without further debate or amendment.

See all 760 votes for this session.

Government bills

C-2 Law Fair and Efficient Criminal Trials
C-3 Law Supporting Vulnerable Seniors and Strengthening Canada's Economy
C-4 Preventing Human Smugglers from Abusing Canada's Immigration System
C-5 Continuing Air Service for Passengers
C-6 Law Restoring Mail Delivery for Canadians
C-7 Senate Reform
C-8 Law Appropriation Act No. 1, 2011-12
C-9 Law Appropriation Act No. 2, 2011-12
C-10 Law Safe Streets and Communities
C-11 Law Copyright Modernization
C-12 Safeguarding Canadians' Personal Information
C-13 Law Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing
C-14 Improving Trade Within Canada
C-15 Law Strengthening Military Justice in the Defence of Canada
C-16 Law Security of Tenure of Military Judges
C-17 Air Canada and Its Associates
C-18 Law Marketing Freedom for Grain Farmers
C-19 Law Ending the Long-gun Registry
C-20 Law Fair Representation
C-21 Political Loans Accountability
C-22 Law Eeyou Marine Region Land Claims Agreement
C-23 Law Canada–Jordan Economic Growth and Prosperity
C-24 Law Canada–Panama Economic Growth and Prosperity
C-25 Law Pooled Registered Pension Plans
C-26 Law Citizen's Arrest and Self-defence
C-27 Law First Nations Financial Transparency
C-28 Law Financial Literacy Leader
C-29 Law Appropriation Act No. 3, 2011-12
C-30 Protecting Children from Internet Predators
C-31 Law Protecting Canada's Immigration System
C-32 Law Civil Marriage of Non-residents
C-33 Law Protecting Air Service
C-34 Law Appropriation Act No. 4 2011-12
C-35 Law Appropriation Act No. 1, 2012-13
C-36 Law Protecting Canada's Seniors
C-37 Law Increasing Offenders' Accountability for Victims
C-38 Law Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity
C-39 Law Restoring Rail Service
C-40 Law Appropriation Act No. 2, 2012-13
C-41 Law Appropriation Act No. 3, 2012-13
C-42 Law Enhancing Royal Canadian Mounted Police Accountability
C-43 Law Faster Removal of Foreign Criminals
C-44 Law Helping Families in Need
C-45 Law Jobs and Growth Act, 2012
C-46 Law Pension Reform
C-47 Law Northern Jobs and Growth
C-48 Law Technical Tax Amendments Act, 2012
C-49 Canadian Museum of History
C-50 Law Appropriation Act No. 4, 2012-13
C-51 Law Safer Witnesses
C-52 Law Fair Rail Freight Service
C-53 Law Succession to the Throne Act, 2013
C-54 Not Criminally Responsible Reform
C-55 Law Response to the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in R. v. Tse
C-56 Combating Counterfeit Products
C-57 Safeguarding Canada's Seas and Skies
C-58 Law Appropriation Act No. 5, 2012-13
C-59 Law Appropriation Act No. 1, 2013-14
C-60 Law Economic Action Plan 2013 Act, No. 1
C-61 Offshore Health and Safety
C-62 Law Yale First Nation Final Agreement
C-63 Law Appropriation Act No. 2, 2013-14
C-64 Law Appropriation Act No. 3, 2013-14
C-65 Respect for Communities
S-2 Law Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights
S-3 Law Federal Law–Civil Law Harmonization Act, No. 3
S-4 Law Safer Railways
S-5 Law Financial System Review
S-6 First Nations Elections
S-7 Law Combating Terrorism
S-8 Law Safe Drinking Water for First Nations
S-9 Law Nuclear Terrorism
S-10 Prohibiting Cluster Munitions
S-11 Law Safe Food for Canadians
S-12 Incorporation by Reference in Regulations
S-13 Port State Measures Agreement Implementation
S-14 Law Fighting Foreign Corruption
S-15 Law Expansion and Conservation of Canada’s National Parks
S-16 Tackling Contraband Tobacco
S-17 Law Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2013

Private members' bills are introduced by MPs who are not cabinet ministers—opposition members, or sometimes government backbenchers. They rarely become law.

Private members' bills

C-201 Amend the Income Tax Act (travel and accommodation deduction for tradespersons)
C-202 Amend the Income Tax Act (death benefit)
C-203 Amend the Income Tax Act (in-home care of relative)
C-204 Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Region of Northern Ontario
C-205 Amend the Canada Labour Code (replacement workers)
C-206 Amend the Canada Pension Plan (pension and benefits)
C-207 Amend the Canada Evidence Act (interpretation of numerical dates)
C-208 Amend the Supreme Court Act (understanding the official languages)
C-209 Change the name of the electoral district of Sackville — Eastern Shore
C-210 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (members who cross the floor)
C-211 Amend the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (prohibition against oil tankers in Dixon Entrance, Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound)
C-212 Amend the Criminal Code (luring a child outside Canada)
C-213 Amend the Criminal Code (means of communication for child luring)
C-214 Maple Leaf and Tulip Day
C-215 Amend the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (deletion of deduction from annuity)
C-216 Former Canadian Forces Members
C-217 Amend the Criminal Code (mischief relating to war memorials)
C-218 Amend the Canada Health Act (Autism Spectrum Disorders)
C-219 National Strategy for Autism Spectrum Disorders
C-220 National Brain Health Education and Awareness Month
C-221 National Strategy for Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemic Disorders
C-222 Military and Veteran Families Week
C-223 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (gratuities)
C-224 Climate Change Accountability
C-225 Amend the Fisheries Act (closed containment aquaculture)
C-226 Change the name of the electoral district of New Westminster — Coquitlam
C-227 National Strategy for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
C-228 National Appreciation Day
C-229 Canadian Soldiers' and Peacekeepers' Memorial Wall
C-230 Amend the Criminal Code (arrest without a warrant)
C-231 Amend the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (derelict vessels and wreck)
C-232 Amend the Criminal Code (cruelty to animals)
C-233 Poverty Elimination
C-234 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (maximum — special benefits)
C-235 Amend the Criminal Code (failure to inform)
C-236 Amend the Public Health Agency of Canada Act (National Alzheimer Office)
C-237 Amend the Fisheries Act (deposit in lakes)
C-238 Amend the Income Tax Act (in-home care of relatives)
C-239 Amend the Criminal Code (peace officers)
C-240 Amend the Income Tax Act (services to a charity or public authority)
C-241 Amend the Canadian Bill of Rights (right to housing)
C-242 Amend the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (increase of allowance for survivors and children)
C-243 Survivor's Annual Allowance
C-244 Assistance to Students Visiting Military Memorial Sites Abroad
C-245 Amend the Income Tax Act (expenses incurred by caregivers)
C-246 Amend the Income Tax Act (hearing impairment)
C-247 Service Canada Mandate Expansion
C-248 Emergency Services Appreciation Day
C-249 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on the sale of home heating fuels)
C-250 Amend the Income Tax Act (herbal remedies)
C-251 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on reading materials)
C-252 Amend the Income Tax Act (physical activity and amateur sport fees)
C-253 Amend the Access to Information Act (response time)
C-254 Amend the Income Tax Act and the Employment Insurance Act (severance pay)
C-255 Breast Implant Registry
C-256 Amend the Criminal Code (firefighters)
C-257 Amend the Food and Drugs Act (mandatory labelling for genetically modified foods)
C-258 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act and the Canada Post Corporation Act (use of resources by members)
C-259 Amend the Excise Tax Act (goods and services tax on school authorities)
C-260 Amend the Statistics Act (mandatory long-form census questionnaire)
C-261 National Hunting, Trapping and Fishing Heritage Day
C-262 Amend the Holidays Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (St. John the Baptist Day)
C-263 Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act (social condition)
C-264 Amend the Criminal Code (social condition)
C-265 Canada Post-Secondary Education
C-266 Pope John Paul II Day
C-267 Canada Water Preservation
C-268 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on funeral arrangements)
C-269 Amend the Income Tax Act (community service group membership dues)
C-270 Amend the Financial Administration Act and the Passport Services Fees Regulations (passports for veterans, members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and their spouses or common-law partners, and seniors)
C-271 Internet Child Pornography Prevention
C-272 Amend the Employment Insurance Act and the Canada Labour Code (compassionate care benefits)
C-273 Amend the Criminal Code (cyberbullying)
C-274 Amend the Criminal Code (animal cruelty)
C-275 Amend the Hazardous Products Act (recreational snow sport helmets)
C-276 Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (gender identity and gender expression)
C-277 Amend the Criminal Code (cruelty to animals)
C-278 Law Purple Day
C-279 Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (gender identity)
C-280 National Strategy for Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI)
C-281 Amend the Canada Transportation Act (discontinuance of listed sidings)
C-282 Amend the Excise Tax Act (feminine hygiene products)
C-283 Independent and Effective Office of the Veterans' Ombudsman
C-284 Status of Women Canada
C-285 Amend the Criminal Code (hate propaganda)
C-286 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (compassionate care benefits for dependent children)
C-287 Senior Consumer Price Index
C-288 Law National Flag of Canada
C-289 Amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (nanotechnology)
C-290 Amend the Criminal Code (sports betting)
C-291 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (waiting period and maximum special benefits)
C-292 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (victims' restitution and monetary awards for offenders)
C-293 Law Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (vexatious complainants)
C-294 Amend the Canada Labour Code (illness or injury)
C-295 Amend the Canada Pension Plan (designation of survivor)
C-296 Amend the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act and the Textile Labelling Act (animal fur or skin)
C-297 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention
C-298 Amend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (lump sum)
C-299 Law Amend the Criminal Code (kidnapping of young person)
C-300 Law Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention
C-301 Open Government
C-302 Louis Riel
C-303 Amend the Food and Drugs Act (trans fatty acids)
C-304 Law Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act (protecting freedom)
C-305 National Public Transit Strategy
C-306 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (political affiliation)
C-307 Amend the Canada Labour Code (pregnant or nursing employees)
C-308 Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery Rebuilding
C-309 Law Preventing Persons from Concealing Their Identity during Riots and Unlawful Assemblies
C-310 Law Amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in persons)
C-311 Law Amend the Importation of Intoxicating Liquors Act (interprovincial importation of wine for personal use)
C-312 Democratic Representation
C-313 Law Amend the Food and Drugs Act (non-corrective contact lenses)
C-314 Breast Density Awareness
C-315 Amend the Canada Labour Code (French language)
C-316 Law Amend the Employment Insurance Act (incarceration)
C-317 Amend the Income Tax Act (labour organizations)
C-318 Amend the Old Age Security Act (Canada Pension Plan payments)
C-319 National Strategy for Serious Injury Reduction in Amateur Sport
C-320 Amend the Official Languages Act (Charter of the French Language) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
C-321 Law Amend the Canada Post Corporation Act (library materials)
C-322 Amend the Health of Animals Act and the Meat Inspection Act (slaughter of horses for human consumption)
C-323 Amend the Federal Courts Act (international promotion and protection of human rights)
C-324 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (sickness benefits)
C-325 Amend the Radiocommunication Act (voluntary organizations that provide emergency services)
C-326 Amend the Canada Pension Plan and the Old Age Security Act (biweekly payment of benefits)
C-327 National Literacy Policy
C-328 Inco Limited Acquisition
C-329 Falconbridge Limited Acquisition
C-330 Veterans with Service-Related Brain Injuries
C-331 Amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (pension plans)
C-332 Change the name of the electoral district of Western Arctic
C-333 Amend the Investment Canada Act (disclosure of undertakings and demands)
C-334 Amend the Investment Canada Act (enhanced ministerial oversight)
C-335 Amend the Canada Pension Plan (deductions — disabled child)
C-336 Oil and Gas Ombudsman
C-337 Amend the Holidays Act (Flag Day)
C-338 Amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (termination and severance pay)
C-339 Condemnation of Russian Corruption
C-340 National Renewable Energy Strategy
C-341 Amend the Income Tax Act (tax credit — new graduates working in designated regions)
C-342 Amend the Excise Tax Act (funeral arrangements)
C-343 Cell Phone Freedom
C-344 Amend the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (side guards)
C-345 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (special benefits)
C-346 Amend the Statistics Act (Chief Statistician and mandatory long-form census)
C-347 Amend the Income Tax Act (tax credit for gifts)
C-348 Workplace Psychological Harassment Prevention
C-349 Amend the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act and the Textile Labelling Act (animal fur or skin)
C-350 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (accountability of offenders)
C-351 Canadian Autism Day
C-352 National Office for Fire and Emergency Response Statistics
C-353 Amend the Excise Tax Act and the Income Tax Act (extra-energy-efficient products)
C-354 Defence of Canada Medal Act (1946-1989)
C-355 Amend the Canada Elections Act (voting hours)
C-356 National Strategy for Dementia
C-357 Amend the Canada Pension Plan (arrears of benefits)
C-358 Stelco Inc. Acquisition
C-359 Protecting Canadians Abroad
C-360 Canadian Football
C-361 Amend the Canada Labour Code (minimum age of employment)
C-362 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (increase of maximum number of weeks: combined weeks of benefits)
C-363 Conscientious Objection
C-364 Holidays Harmonization
C-365 Amend the Competition Act (inquiry into industry sector)
C-366 ALS Month
C-367 Amend the Income Tax Act (tax credit for dues paid to veterans' organizations)
C-368 Amend the Canada Elections Act (voting age)
C-369 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on batteries for medical and assistive devices)
C-370 Law Amend the Canada National Parks Act (St. Lawrence Islands National Park of Canada)
C-371 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (illness of child) and another Act in consequence
C-372 Amend the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act (members’ staff)
C-373 Department of Peace
C-374 Amend the Bills of Exchange Act (rights of bill holders)
C-375 Amend the Telecommunications Act (universal charger)
C-376 Amend the Canada Labour Code and the Employment Insurance Act (family leave)
C-377 Amend the Income Tax Act (requirements for labour organizations)
C-378 Prohibition on Importing Goods Produced by Sweatshop Labour
C-379 Protecting Canadians' Personal Privacy
C-380 Ban on Shark Fin Importation
C-381 Strengthening Fiscal Transparency
C-382 Respecting the appointment of a Minister of State (Education)
C-383 Law Transboundary Waters Protection
C-384 Amend the Youth Criminal Justice Act (publication of information)
C-385 Uranium Mine Ownership
C-386 Tanning Equipment Prohibition and Warning (Cancer Risks)
C-387 Leif Erikson Day
C-388 National Vitamin D Day
C-389 Pay Equity Task Force Recommendations
C-390 Amend the Pest Control Products Act (prohibition of the use of chemical pesticides for certain purposes)
C-391 Amend the Currency Act and the Royal Canadian Mint Act (calling in of the cent)
C-392 Labour Market Training, Apprenticeship and Certification
C-393 Railway Noise and Vibration Control
C-394 Amend the Criminal Code and the National Defence Act (criminal organization recruitment)
C-395 Amend the Income Tax Act (transportation benefits)
C-396 Amend the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Northern Ontario)
C-397 Amend the Income Tax Act (golfing expenses)
C-398 Amend the Patent Act (drugs for international humanitarian purposes)
C-399 Amend the Income Tax Act (volunteers)
C-400 Secure, Adequate, Accessible and Affordable Housing
C-401 Amend the Investment Canada Act (committee members)
C-402 Amend the Criminal Code (public transportation workers)
C-403 Amend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (Civilian Investigation Service)
C-404 Temporary Resident Visa Processing Requirements
C-405 Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (appeal process for temporary resident visa applicants)
C-406 Status of Women Canada
C-407 Amend the Financial Administration Act (gender balanced representation)
C-408 Toxic Substances Labelling
C-409 Amend the Old Age Security Act (application for supplement)
C-410 Pan-Canadian Strategy for Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI)
C-411 Amend the Canada Labour Code (occupational disease registry)
C-412 Amend the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act (poverty reduction)
C-413 Amend the Criminal Code (judicial discretion)
C-414 Amend the Criminal Code (cruelty to animals)
C-415 Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (appeals)
C-416 Edison Arantes do Nascimento Honorary Citizenship
C-417 Amend the Fish Inspection Act and the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (importation and labelling of shark)
C-418 Extraterritorial Activities of Canadian Businesses and Entities
C-419 Law Language Skills
C-420 Commissioner for Children and Young Persons in Canada
C-421 Nitrate Reduction
C-422 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (elimination of waiting period)
C-423 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (labour dispute)
C-424 Amend the Canada Elections Act (contestation of election and punishment)
C-425 Amend the Citizenship Act (honouring the Canadian Armed Forces)
C-426 Amend the Species at Risk Act (funding of atlassing)
C-427 Reflecting the Realities of Canadian Artists
C-428 Indian Act Amendment and Replacement
C-429 Amend the Radiocommunication Act and the Telecommunications Act (antenna systems)
C-430 Amend the Competition Act and the Food and Drugs Act (child protection against advertising exploitation)
C-431 Amend the Income Tax Act (release of taxpayer’s notices of assessment)
C-432 Amend the Holidays Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (St. John the Baptist Day)
C-433 Amend the Income Tax Act (student transportation)
C-434 Terminator Seeds Ban
C-435 Civil Marriage of Non-residents
C-436 Canada Genuine Progress Measurement
C-437 Amend the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (prohibition against the transportation of oil by oil tankers on Canada’s Pacific North Coast)
C-438 Amend the Tobacco Act (smokeless tobacco and little cigars)
C-439 Air Passengers' Bill of Rights
C-440 Amend the Firearms Act (transfer)
C-441 Rail Customer Protection
C-442 National Lyme Disease Strategy
C-443 National Health and Fitness Day
C-444 Amend the Criminal Code (personating peace officer or public officer)
C-445 Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act (genetic characteristics)
C-446 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (blood samples)
C-447 Veterans Review and Appeal Board Replacement
C-448 Amend the Criminal Code (consent)
C-449 National Local Food Day
C-450 Amend the Canada Elections Act (voting hours)
C-451 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (removal of waiting period for special benefits)
C-452 Amend the Criminal Code (exploitation and trafficking in persons)
C-453 Amend the Canada Elections Act (preventing and prosecuting fraudulent voice messages during election periods)
C-454 All Buffleheads Day
C-455 Amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (electronic products recycling program)
C-456 Amend the Excise Act, 2001 (spirits)
C-457 Repeal the Clarity
C-458 National Charities Week
C-459 Air Passengers' Bill of Rights
C-460 Sodium Reduction Strategy for Canada
C-461 CBC and Public Service Disclosure and Transparency
C-462 Disability Tax Credit Promoters Restrictions
C-463 Discover Your Canada
C-464 Amend the Canada Labour Code and the Employment Insurance Act (parental leave for multiple births or adoptions)
C-465 Amend the National Capital Act (Gatineau Park)
C-466 Task Force for the Payments System Review Recommendations
C-467 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (labour dispute)
C-468 Amend the Aeronautics Act (agreement with provincial authority)
C-469 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
C-470 Respecting democratic constitutional change
C-471 Tamil Heritage Month
C-472 Amend the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act (death benefit for parents)
C-473 Amend the Financial Administration Act (balanced representation)
C-474 Transparency of Payments Made by Mining, Oil and Gas Corporations to Foreign Governments
C-475 Amend the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (order-making power)
C-476 Parliamentary Budget Officer
C-477 Organ Donor Registry
C-478 Respecting Families of Murdered and Brutalized Persons
C-479 To Bring Fairness for the Victims of Violent Offenders
C-480 Amend the Old Age Security Act (funeral arrangements)
C-481 Amend the Federal Sustainable development Act (duty to examine)
C-482 Amend the Criminal Code (telecommunication device identifier)
C-483 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (escorted temporary absence)
C-484 An Act Respecting the Amendment of the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations
C-485 Amend the Canada Petroleum Resources Act (transfer approval)
C-486 Conflict Minerals
C-487 Providing Support to Grandparents
C-488 National Hockey Day
C-489 Amend the Criminal Code and the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (restrictions on offenders)
C-490 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Boundary Waters—Voyageur Waterway and other rivers)
C-491 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Bloodvein River and other rivers)
C-492 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Shelburne River and other rivers)
C-493 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Ashuapmushuan River, Mistassini River and Peribonka River)
C-494 An Act to amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Main River and Bay du Nord River)
C-495 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Cowichan River)
C-496 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Kicking Horse River and Clearwater River)
C-497 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (St. Croix River, Restigouche River and Saint John River)
C-498 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (North Thames River, Middle Thames River and Thames River)
C-499 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Alsek River and other rivers)
C-500 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (ocean watersheds)
C-501 National Hunting, Trapping and Fishing Heritage Day
C-502 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Humber River)
C-503 Democratic Local Nomination
C-504 Support for Volunteer Firefighters
C-505 Amend the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (powers of inquiry)
C-506 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Don River)
C-507 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (obstruction)
C-508 Amend the Auditor General Act (obstruction)
C-509 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Goldstream River)
C-510 Amend the Criminal Code (mischief)
C-511 Amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (period of residence)
C-512 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (confidence motion)
C-513 Retirement Income Bill of Rights
C-514 Punjabi Heritage Month
C-515 Protection of Law Enforcement Animals
C-516 Artist’s Resale Right
C-517 Amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in persons)
C-518 Protecting Taxpayers and Revoking Pensions of Convicted Politicians
C-519 Amend the Excise Tax Act (motor vehicle fuel)
C-520 Supporting Non-Partisan Agents of Parliament
C-521 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Nottawasaga River)
C-522 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Saskatchewan lakes)
C-523 Mandatory Disclosure of Drug Shortages
C-524 Amend the Canada Elections Act (election advertising)
C-525 Employees' Voting Rights
C-526 Cracking Down on Organized Crime and Terrorism
C-527 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Lake Joseph and other lakes and rivers)
C-528 Conservation of National Historic Sites
C-529 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Slave River)
C-530 Trent-Severn Water Authority
C-531 Public Transit Operators Protection
C-532 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Rouge River)
C-533 Protecting Canada's Public Transportation Workers
C-534 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Abitibi and Témiscamingue regions)
C-535 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Vallée-de-l’Or, Anishinabe Aki and Eeyou Istchee regions)
C-536 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Trout Lake)
C-537 Constitution Compliance Review
C-538 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Bear Creek)
C-539 Promotion of Local Foods
C-540 Amend the Criminal Code (non-consensual making or distributing of intimate images)
S-201 Law National Philanthropy Day
S-202 Medical Devices Registry
S-203 Boards of Directors Modernization
S-204 National Strategy for Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI)
S-205 Amend the Income Tax Act (carbon offset tax credit)
S-206 Law World Autism Awareness Day
S-207 Amend the Interpretation Act (non-derogation of aboriginal and treaty rights)
S-208 Amend the Patent Act and the Food and Drugs Act (drugs for international humanitarian purposes)
S-209 Law Amend the Criminal Code (prize fights)
S-210 Amend the Fisheries Act (commercial seal fishing)
S-211 Amend the Official Languages Act (communications with and services to the public)
S-212 First Nations Self-Government Recognition
S-213 Law Korean War Veterans Day
S-214 Amend the Criminal Code (protection of children)
S-215 Amend the Payment Card Networks Act (credit card acceptance fees)
S-216 Amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and the Criminal Code (mental health treatment)
S-217 Amend the Financial Administration Act (borrowing of money)
S-218 Genetic Non-Discrimination
S-219 Canadian Commission on Mental Health and Justice
S-220 Amend the Broadcasting Act (directives to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
S-221 Amend the Criminal Code (exception to mandatory minimum sentences for manslaughter and criminal negligence causing death)
S-222 Amend the Conflict of Interest Act (gifts)
S-1001 Law Respecting Queen's University at Kingston
S-1002 Law Authorize the Industrial Alliance Pacific General Insurance Corporation to apply to be continued as a body corporate under the laws of Quebec
S-1003 Law Authorize Industrial Alliance Pacific Insurance and Financial Services Inc. to apply to be continued as a body corporate under the laws of Quebec