C-201 Amend the Income Tax Act (travel and accommodation deduction for tradespersons)
C-202 Amend the Income Tax Act (death benefit)
C-203 Amend the Income Tax Act (in-home care of relative)
C-204 Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Region of Northern Ontario
C-205 Amend the Canada Labour Code (replacement workers)
C-206 Amend the Canada Pension Plan (pension and benefits)
C-207 Amend the Canada Evidence Act (interpretation of numerical dates)
C-208 Amend the Supreme Court Act (understanding the official languages)
C-209 Change the name of the electoral district of Sackville — Eastern Shore
C-210 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (members who cross the floor)
C-211 Amend the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (prohibition against oil tankers in Dixon Entrance, Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound)
C-212 Amend the Criminal Code (luring a child outside Canada)
C-213 Amend the Criminal Code (means of communication for child luring)
C-214 Maple Leaf and Tulip Day
C-215 Amend the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (deletion of deduction from annuity)
C-216 Former Canadian Forces Members
C-217 Amend the Criminal Code (mischief relating to war memorials)
C-218 Amend the Canada Health Act (Autism Spectrum Disorders)
C-219 National Strategy for Autism Spectrum Disorders
C-220 National Brain Health Education and Awareness Month
C-221 National Strategy for Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemic Disorders
C-222 Military and Veteran Families Week
C-223 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (gratuities)
C-224 Climate Change Accountability
C-225 Amend the Fisheries Act (closed containment aquaculture)
C-226 Change the name of the electoral district of New Westminster — Coquitlam
C-227 National Strategy for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
C-228 National Appreciation Day
C-229 Canadian Soldiers' and Peacekeepers' Memorial Wall
C-230 Amend the Criminal Code (arrest without a warrant)
C-231 Amend the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (derelict vessels and wreck)
C-232 Amend the Criminal Code (cruelty to animals)
C-233 Poverty Elimination
C-234 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (maximum — special benefits)
C-235 Amend the Criminal Code (failure to inform)
C-236 Amend the Public Health Agency of Canada Act (National Alzheimer Office)
C-237 Amend the Fisheries Act (deposit in lakes)
C-238 Amend the Income Tax Act (in-home care of relatives)
C-239 Amend the Criminal Code (peace officers)
C-240 Amend the Income Tax Act (services to a charity or public authority)
C-241 Amend the Canadian Bill of Rights (right to housing)
C-242 Amend the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (increase of allowance for survivors and children)
C-243 Survivor's Annual Allowance
C-244 Assistance to Students Visiting Military Memorial Sites Abroad
C-245 Amend the Income Tax Act (expenses incurred by caregivers)
C-246 Amend the Income Tax Act (hearing impairment)
C-247 Service Canada Mandate Expansion
C-248 Emergency Services Appreciation Day
C-249 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on the sale of home heating fuels)
C-250 Amend the Income Tax Act (herbal remedies)
C-251 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on reading materials)
C-252 Amend the Income Tax Act (physical activity and amateur sport fees)
C-253 Amend the Access to Information Act (response time)
C-254 Amend the Income Tax Act and the Employment Insurance Act (severance pay)
C-255 Breast Implant Registry
C-256 Amend the Criminal Code (firefighters)
C-257 Amend the Food and Drugs Act (mandatory labelling for genetically modified foods)
C-258 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act and the Canada Post Corporation Act (use of resources by members)
C-259 Amend the Excise Tax Act (goods and services tax on school authorities)
C-260 Amend the Statistics Act (mandatory long-form census questionnaire)
C-261 National Hunting, Trapping and Fishing Heritage Day
C-262 Amend the Holidays Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (St. John the Baptist Day)
C-263 Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act (social condition)
C-264 Amend the Criminal Code (social condition)
C-265 Canada Post-Secondary Education
C-266 Pope John Paul II Day
C-267 Canada Water Preservation
C-268 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on funeral arrangements)
C-269 Amend the Income Tax Act (community service group membership dues)
C-270 Amend the Financial Administration Act and the Passport Services Fees Regulations (passports for veterans, members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and their spouses or common-law partners, and seniors)
C-271 Internet Child Pornography Prevention
C-272 Amend the Employment Insurance Act and the Canada Labour Code (compassionate care benefits)
C-273 Amend the Criminal Code (cyberbullying)
C-274 Amend the Criminal Code (animal cruelty)
C-275 Amend the Hazardous Products Act (recreational snow sport helmets)
C-276 Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (gender identity and gender expression)
C-277 Amend the Criminal Code (cruelty to animals)
C-279 Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (gender identity)
C-280 National Strategy for Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI)
C-281 Amend the Canada Transportation Act (discontinuance of listed sidings)
C-282 Amend the Excise Tax Act (feminine hygiene products)
C-283 Independent and Effective Office of the Veterans' Ombudsman
C-284 Status of Women Canada
C-285 Amend the Criminal Code (hate propaganda)
C-286 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (compassionate care benefits for dependent children)
C-287 Senior Consumer Price Index
C-288 Law National Flag of Canada
C-289 Amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (nanotechnology)
C-290 Amend the Criminal Code (sports betting)
C-291 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (waiting period and maximum special benefits)
C-292 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (victims' restitution and monetary awards for offenders)
C-293 Law Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (vexatious complainants)
C-294 Amend the Canada Labour Code (illness or injury)
C-295 Amend the Canada Pension Plan (designation of survivor)
C-296 Amend the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act and the Textile Labelling Act (animal fur or skin)
C-297 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention
C-298 Amend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (lump sum)
C-299 Law Amend the Criminal Code (kidnapping of young person)
C-300 Law Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention
C-303 Amend the Food and Drugs Act (trans fatty acids)
C-304 Law Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act (protecting freedom)
C-305 National Public Transit Strategy
C-306 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (political affiliation)
C-307 Amend the Canada Labour Code (pregnant or nursing employees)
C-308 Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery Rebuilding
C-309 Law Preventing Persons from Concealing Their Identity during Riots and Unlawful Assemblies
C-310 Law Amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in persons)
C-311 Law Amend the Importation of Intoxicating Liquors Act (interprovincial importation of wine for personal use)
C-312 Democratic Representation
C-313 Law Amend the Food and Drugs Act (non-corrective contact lenses)
C-314 Breast Density Awareness
C-315 Amend the Canada Labour Code (French language)
C-316 Law Amend the Employment Insurance Act (incarceration)
C-317 Amend the Income Tax Act (labour organizations)
C-318 Amend the Old Age Security Act (Canada Pension Plan payments)
C-319 National Strategy for Serious Injury Reduction in Amateur Sport
C-320 Amend the Official Languages Act (Charter of the French Language) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
C-321 Law Amend the Canada Post Corporation Act (library materials)
C-322 Amend the Health of Animals Act and the Meat Inspection Act (slaughter of horses for human consumption)
C-323 Amend the Federal Courts Act (international promotion and protection of human rights)
C-324 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (sickness benefits)
C-325 Amend the Radiocommunication Act (voluntary organizations that provide emergency services)
C-326 Amend the Canada Pension Plan and the Old Age Security Act (biweekly payment of benefits)
C-327 National Literacy Policy
C-328 Inco Limited Acquisition
C-329 Falconbridge Limited Acquisition
C-330 Veterans with Service-Related Brain Injuries
C-331 Amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (pension plans)
C-332 Change the name of the electoral district of Western Arctic
C-333 Amend the Investment Canada Act (disclosure of undertakings and demands)
C-334 Amend the Investment Canada Act (enhanced ministerial oversight)
C-335 Amend the Canada Pension Plan (deductions — disabled child)
C-336 Oil and Gas Ombudsman
C-337 Amend the Holidays Act (Flag Day)
C-338 Amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (termination and severance pay)
C-339 Condemnation of Russian Corruption
C-340 National Renewable Energy Strategy
C-341 Amend the Income Tax Act (tax credit — new graduates working in designated regions)
C-342 Amend the Excise Tax Act (funeral arrangements)
C-344 Amend the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (side guards)
C-345 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (special benefits)
C-346 Amend the Statistics Act (Chief Statistician and mandatory long-form census)
C-347 Amend the Income Tax Act (tax credit for gifts)
C-348 Workplace Psychological Harassment Prevention
C-349 Amend the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act and the Textile Labelling Act (animal fur or skin)
C-350 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (accountability of offenders)
C-351 Canadian Autism Day
C-352 National Office for Fire and Emergency Response Statistics
C-353 Amend the Excise Tax Act and the Income Tax Act (extra-energy-efficient products)
C-354 Defence of Canada Medal Act (1946-1989)
C-355 Amend the Canada Elections Act (voting hours)
C-356 National Strategy for Dementia
C-357 Amend the Canada Pension Plan (arrears of benefits)
C-358 Stelco Inc. Acquisition
C-359 Protecting Canadians Abroad
C-361 Amend the Canada Labour Code (minimum age of employment)
C-362 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (increase of maximum number of weeks: combined weeks of benefits)
C-363 Conscientious Objection
C-364 Holidays Harmonization
C-365 Amend the Competition Act (inquiry into industry sector)
C-367 Amend the Income Tax Act (tax credit for dues paid to veterans' organizations)
C-368 Amend the Canada Elections Act (voting age)
C-369 Amend the Excise Tax Act (no GST on batteries for medical and assistive devices)
C-370 Law Amend the Canada National Parks Act (St. Lawrence Islands National Park of Canada)
C-371 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (illness of child) and another Act in consequence
C-372 Amend the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act (members’ staff)
C-373 Department of Peace
C-374 Amend the Bills of Exchange Act (rights of bill holders)
C-375 Amend the Telecommunications Act (universal charger)
C-376 Amend the Canada Labour Code and the Employment Insurance Act (family leave)
C-377 Amend the Income Tax Act (requirements for labour organizations)
C-378 Prohibition on Importing Goods Produced by Sweatshop Labour
C-379 Protecting Canadians' Personal Privacy
C-380 Ban on Shark Fin Importation
C-381 Strengthening Fiscal Transparency
C-382 Respecting the appointment of a Minister of State (Education)
C-383 Law Transboundary Waters Protection
C-384 Amend the Youth Criminal Justice Act (publication of information)
C-385 Uranium Mine Ownership
C-386 Tanning Equipment Prohibition and Warning (Cancer Risks)
C-388 National Vitamin D Day
C-389 Pay Equity Task Force Recommendations
C-390 Amend the Pest Control Products Act (prohibition of the use of chemical pesticides for certain purposes)
C-391 Amend the Currency Act and the Royal Canadian Mint Act (calling in of the cent)
C-392 Labour Market Training, Apprenticeship and Certification
C-393 Railway Noise and Vibration Control
C-394 Amend the Criminal Code and the National Defence Act (criminal organization recruitment)
C-395 Amend the Income Tax Act (transportation benefits)
C-396 Amend the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Northern Ontario)
C-397 Amend the Income Tax Act (golfing expenses)
C-398 Amend the Patent Act (drugs for international humanitarian purposes)
C-399 Amend the Income Tax Act (volunteers)
C-400 Secure, Adequate, Accessible and Affordable Housing
C-401 Amend the Investment Canada Act (committee members)
C-402 Amend the Criminal Code (public transportation workers)
C-403 Amend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (Civilian Investigation Service)
C-404 Temporary Resident Visa Processing Requirements
C-405 Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (appeal process for temporary resident visa applicants)
C-406 Status of Women Canada
C-407 Amend the Financial Administration Act (gender balanced representation)
C-408 Toxic Substances Labelling
C-409 Amend the Old Age Security Act (application for supplement)
C-410 Pan-Canadian Strategy for Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI)
C-411 Amend the Canada Labour Code (occupational disease registry)
C-412 Amend the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act (poverty reduction)
C-413 Amend the Criminal Code (judicial discretion)
C-414 Amend the Criminal Code (cruelty to animals)
C-415 Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (appeals)
C-416 Edison Arantes do Nascimento Honorary Citizenship
C-417 Amend the Fish Inspection Act and the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (importation and labelling of shark)
C-418 Extraterritorial Activities of Canadian Businesses and Entities
C-419 Law Language Skills
C-420 Commissioner for Children and Young Persons in Canada
C-422 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (elimination of waiting period)
C-423 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (labour dispute)
C-424 Amend the Canada Elections Act (contestation of election and punishment)
C-425 Amend the Citizenship Act (honouring the Canadian Armed Forces)
C-426 Amend the Species at Risk Act (funding of atlassing)
C-427 Reflecting the Realities of Canadian Artists
C-428 Indian Act Amendment and Replacement
C-429 Amend the Radiocommunication Act and the Telecommunications Act (antenna systems)
C-430 Amend the Competition Act and the Food and Drugs Act (child protection against advertising exploitation)
C-431 Amend the Income Tax Act (release of taxpayer’s notices of assessment)
C-432 Amend the Holidays Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (St. John the Baptist Day)
C-433 Amend the Income Tax Act (student transportation)
C-434 Terminator Seeds Ban
C-435 Civil Marriage of Non-residents
C-436 Canada Genuine Progress Measurement
C-437 Amend the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (prohibition against the transportation of oil by oil tankers on Canada’s Pacific North Coast)
C-438 Amend the Tobacco Act (smokeless tobacco and little cigars)
C-439 Air Passengers' Bill of Rights
C-440 Amend the Firearms Act (transfer)
C-441 Rail Customer Protection
C-442 National Lyme Disease Strategy
C-443 National Health and Fitness Day
C-444 Amend the Criminal Code (personating peace officer or public officer)
C-445 Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act (genetic characteristics)
C-446 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (blood samples)
C-447 Veterans Review and Appeal Board Replacement
C-448 Amend the Criminal Code (consent)
C-449 National Local Food Day
C-450 Amend the Canada Elections Act (voting hours)
C-451 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (removal of waiting period for special benefits)
C-452 Amend the Criminal Code (exploitation and trafficking in persons)
C-453 Amend the Canada Elections Act (preventing and prosecuting fraudulent voice messages during election periods)
C-454 All Buffleheads Day
C-455 Amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (electronic products recycling program)
C-456 Amend the Excise Act, 2001 (spirits)
C-458 National Charities Week
C-459 Air Passengers' Bill of Rights
C-460 Sodium Reduction Strategy for Canada
C-461 CBC and Public Service Disclosure and Transparency
C-462 Disability Tax Credit Promoters Restrictions
C-463 Discover Your Canada
C-464 Amend the Canada Labour Code and the Employment Insurance Act (parental leave for multiple births or adoptions)
C-465 Amend the National Capital Act (Gatineau Park)
C-466 Task Force for the Payments System Review Recommendations
C-467 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (labour dispute)
C-468 Amend the Aeronautics Act (agreement with provincial authority)
C-469 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
C-470 Respecting democratic constitutional change
C-471 Tamil Heritage Month
C-472 Amend the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act (death benefit for parents)
C-473 Amend the Financial Administration Act (balanced representation)
C-474 Transparency of Payments Made by Mining, Oil and Gas Corporations to Foreign Governments
C-475 Amend the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (order-making power)
C-476 Parliamentary Budget Officer
C-477 Organ Donor Registry
C-478 Respecting Families of Murdered and Brutalized Persons
C-479 To Bring Fairness for the Victims of Violent Offenders
C-480 Amend the Old Age Security Act (funeral arrangements)
C-481 Amend the Federal Sustainable development Act (duty to examine)
C-482 Amend the Criminal Code (telecommunication device identifier)
C-483 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (escorted temporary absence)
C-484 An Act Respecting the Amendment of the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations
C-485 Amend the Canada Petroleum Resources Act (transfer approval)
C-487 Providing Support to Grandparents
C-488 National Hockey Day
C-489 Amend the Criminal Code and the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (restrictions on offenders)
C-490 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Boundary Waters—Voyageur Waterway and other rivers)
C-491 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Bloodvein River and other rivers)
C-492 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Shelburne River and other rivers)
C-493 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Ashuapmushuan River, Mistassini River and Peribonka River)
C-494 An Act to amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Main River and Bay du Nord River)
C-495 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Cowichan River)
C-496 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Kicking Horse River and Clearwater River)
C-497 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (St. Croix River, Restigouche River and Saint John River)
C-498 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (North Thames River, Middle Thames River and Thames River)
C-499 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Alsek River and other rivers)
C-500 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (ocean watersheds)
C-501 National Hunting, Trapping and Fishing Heritage Day
C-502 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Humber River)
C-503 Democratic Local Nomination
C-504 Support for Volunteer Firefighters
C-505 Amend the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (powers of inquiry)
C-506 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Don River)
C-507 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (obstruction)
C-508 Amend the Auditor General Act (obstruction)
C-509 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Goldstream River)
C-510 Amend the Criminal Code (mischief)
C-511 Amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (period of residence)
C-512 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (confidence motion)
C-513 Retirement Income Bill of Rights
C-514 Punjabi Heritage Month
C-515 Protection of Law Enforcement Animals
C-516 Artist’s Resale Right
C-517 Amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in persons)
C-518 Protecting Taxpayers and Revoking Pensions of Convicted Politicians
C-519 Amend the Excise Tax Act (motor vehicle fuel)
C-520 Supporting Non-Partisan Agents of Parliament
C-521 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Nottawasaga River)
C-522 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Saskatchewan lakes)
C-523 Mandatory Disclosure of Drug Shortages
C-524 Amend the Canada Elections Act (election advertising)
C-525 Employees' Voting Rights
C-526 Cracking Down on Organized Crime and Terrorism
C-527 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Lake Joseph and other lakes and rivers)
C-528 Conservation of National Historic Sites
C-529 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Slave River)
C-530 Trent-Severn Water Authority
C-531 Public Transit Operators Protection
C-532 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Rouge River)
C-533 Protecting Canada's Public Transportation Workers
C-534 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Abitibi and Témiscamingue regions)
C-535 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Vallée-de-l’Or, Anishinabe Aki and Eeyou Istchee regions)
C-536 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Trout Lake)
C-537 Constitution Compliance Review
C-538 Amend the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Bear Creek)
C-539 Promotion of Local Foods
C-540 Amend the Criminal Code (non-consensual making or distributing of intimate images)
S-201 Law National Philanthropy Day
S-202 Medical Devices Registry
S-203 Boards of Directors Modernization
S-204 National Strategy for Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI)
S-205 Amend the Income Tax Act (carbon offset tax credit)
S-206 Law World Autism Awareness Day
S-207 Amend the Interpretation Act (non-derogation of aboriginal and treaty rights)
S-208 Amend the Patent Act and the Food and Drugs Act (drugs for international humanitarian purposes)
S-209 Law Amend the Criminal Code (prize fights)
S-210 Amend the Fisheries Act (commercial seal fishing)
S-211 Amend the Official Languages Act (communications with and services to the public)
S-212 First Nations Self-Government Recognition
S-213 Law Korean War Veterans Day
S-214 Amend the Criminal Code (protection of children)
S-215 Amend the Payment Card Networks Act (credit card acceptance fees)
S-216 Amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and the Criminal Code (mental health treatment)
S-217 Amend the Financial Administration Act (borrowing of money)
S-218 Genetic Non-Discrimination
S-219 Canadian Commission on Mental Health and Justice
S-220 Amend the Broadcasting Act (directives to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
S-221 Amend the Criminal Code (exception to mandatory minimum sentences for manslaughter and criminal negligence causing death)
S-222 Amend the Conflict of Interest Act (gifts)
S-1001 Law Respecting Queen's University at Kingston
S-1002 Law Authorize the Industrial Alliance Pacific General Insurance Corporation to apply to be continued as a body corporate under the laws of Quebec
S-1003 Law Authorize Industrial Alliance Pacific Insurance and Financial Services Inc. to apply to be continued as a body corporate under the laws of Quebec